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Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:07 am
by Saxman
Reminds me of this time I was using the bathroom at Atlanta International Airport. I asked the guy in the stall next to me if he would hand me a roll of toilet paper because me stall was out. He said yes, but as I reached under the wall he tasered my hand. Turns out he was an FBI agent working for homeland security. I still can't wipe with that hand.
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:27 am
by KD
yea but the video showed you grabbing his ankles an all that other ...stuff. i'd have tased your hippie ass too.
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:35 pm
by tomdarch
its important to remember that no one could have predicted from past behavior that giving police instruments of torture would result in them misusing these tools. Nope, impossible to predict.
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:07 pm
by ynot
2 wrongs never make a right
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:47 am
by Alan Evil
ynot wrote:2 wrongs never make a right
...unless each of those wrongs is a 45 degree angle... and you're talking about angles.
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:10 pm
by rockman
But two rights make an airplane.
Note: I know, I know. It's an audible joke.
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:23 am
by dipsi
Alan Evil wrote:ynot wrote:2 wrongs never make a right
...unless each of those wrongs is a 45 degree angle... and you're talking about angles.
Dammit Evil! You know I'm too right-brained to understand this!
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:25 pm
by Pru
[quote]A United Nations committee said Friday that use of Taser weapons can be a form of torture, in violation of the U.N. Convention Against Torture.1125 04 1
Use of the electronic stun devices by police has been marked with a sudden rise in deaths - including four men in the United States and two in Canada within the last week.
[...]Tasers have become increasingly controversial in the United States, particularly after several notorious cases where their use by police to disable suspects was questioned as being excessive. Especially disturbing is the fact that six adults died after being tased by police in the span of a week.
Last Sunday, in Frederick, Md., a sheriff’s deputy trying to break up a late-night brawl tased 20-year-old Jarrel Grey. He died on the spot.
[...]And in Utah, a patrol car’s dashboard camera caught an officer tasing a driver who refused to sign a speeding ticket. The officer is now under investigation, accused of being too quick on the draw.
Amid a growing outcry, civil rights groups are urging police to put down their Tasers until more research is done.
“The danger of Tasers is that they seem safe, they seem easy and therefore I think it’s natural that police will be inclined to use them much more quickly than they would ever use a gun,â€
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:27 am
by Alan Evil
The problem is cops attack first and ask questions later. We don't want to pay taxes so we can't pay the wages it takes to have a police force of intelligent, caring, honorable citizens so we get an underpaid, understaffed bunch of thugs. There are the few who will become police because they are honorable and want to make a difference but the majority are shitbag bullies that want to push people around and bash some heads.
My dealings with the Looserville cops in the poor part of town where I invested in property* has left me nothing but disdain and mistrust for those fuckers. Here's a couple of examples:
A few years back my car stereo got stolen. The blond fucker that showed up just said, "Look where you live" and left without even taking a report.
After those kids stuck a fucking gun in my face, a week later the detective hadn't even looked at the case file. When he finally did his first question, in an accusing tone of voice, was, "What were you doing in Smoketown?" as if my brother and I were doing something wrong by being there. Nothing has been done despite the fact they were underaged kids, skipping school and I'll bet you ten thousand dollars they lived within five blocks of where they robbed us. Nothing will be done either because we're not important, rich people that give money to the fucking mayor.
In the entire time I lived downtown I never once saw a cop patrolling that neighborhood. Not a single time. The only cops I saw were passing through (speeding) or arresting someone. However, while working in the wealthy parts of town that I would bet money haven't had a single crime of any kind this year, I see a cop cruise by slowly every two or three hours.
Fuck cops, especially Louisiville cops.
*I bought my house because it is zoned dual use (residential/commercial), the projects near it were going to be torn down, and a streetcar was going to pass right in front of it. Then the Republicans took over and all the money for those projects went into their rich buddies' pockets.
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:34 am
by pigsteak
Vote Republican and alan will move back to, this is getting better everytime your venom spews forth.