jackson hole

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Post by Wolf »

Granite Hot Springs is very nice, and can be driven to, although it's best to go in winter and travel by dog sled. Snake River Brewing is an excellent place to eat and imbibe.
Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:55 am

Post by rohr »

I don't have a whole lot to add, but I was out there last summer so I thought I'd speak up.
The Winds are gorgeous. I didn't climb there, but I did an amazing 4 day / 3 night backpacking trip. It was about a 35 mile loop from the Big Sandy parking lot. There are plenty of trails around there for a longer or shorter trip. The trip was pretty easy logistically, and the hiking was great. I really hope to get back there someday and climb (once I'm badass enough).
After the Winds, I headed up to Teton. I stayed at the climbers' hostel in the park. It was early August and I had no trouble getting a bunk. I don't remember the price, but it wasn't bad. There's laundry there, and there's a pizza place in the park that was pretty tasty. I followed a guide up Guide's Wall (how appropriate). That's still the only climb I've been on that was over 2 pitches, so I don't have much to compare it to, but I loved it! Lots of variety leading up to a really fun crack on the last or second to last pitch (can't remember exactly).
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!
Posts: 61
Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:26 pm

Post by ReluctantHoosier »

If you’re in good shape, take a look at Symmetry Spire. Be sure to get on the first boat (7am) across Jenny Lake. The approach has about 3000ft of elevation gain and the route is just short of 1000. It’s a walk-off except for a short rap into Symmetry couloir. The snow field should be gone by now so you shouldn’t need axes but check with locals. If you don’t want to hike the extra 3 miles around the lake on the way back (and you probably won’t), be back for the last ferry at 6p. Baxter’s is a good choice too and it probably has the shortest approach of any decent climb in the Tetons.
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Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:14 pm

Post by Lateralus »

The hiking/mountaineering is quality, the cragging is dismal really. If you find yourself at the crags mentioned you are REALLY wasting your time, Lander is SO much better. As mentioned go to Teton Mountaineering right off the square and they can get you a guidebook and beta, there are too many good climbs in the park to mention, not sure what you are looking for rock,ice,snow it's there. J-Hole is basically a high dollar tourist trap-- avoid it like the plague. Hard to give advice for restaurants as there is pretty much the full gammut from mcdonald's to $100+. Climbers ranch is good place to crash.
"Good things take time, impossible things take a little longer"
Percy Gerutty
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