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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:46 am
by bcombs
enoch308 wrote:What is 3/8ths backer rod? I just went ahead and stuck the T-nuts in by themselves. Is it an extension or something?
I think he just meant something like all thread that would fill the holes while you paint. Otherwise, you might get paint in the t-nuts and ruin them. Some of the sections of this wall (roof and toekick) are impossible to get to for replacing t-nuts unless you take the sheeting off.

Ynot, I live on the west side (Cheviot area) right off of North Bend. I'd be happy to have you over. I gather from lurking on this board that you are the trad wizard so maybe if I climb with you some knowledge will rub off. :wink:

Here are some pictures of the wall...






The 30 degree section is 8' wide and the roof is around 5' wide to give you some perspective. The 15 degree section was 8' wide but we had to chew off the corner to make the secondary wall work. I think its still a significant amount of space still though.


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:55 am
by ynot
Ha! another westsider! Looks sweet. If it was me I would wait on texture. You can get footholds that mimick naturals and they will be movable.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:00 am
by bcombs
Cool, I'll wait and take a look for what your talking about (natural looking footholds). I also forgot to mention that I'm picking up a 5' x 10' x 18" gymnastics pad from Columbus today so everything should be pretty safe. Maybe I'll get someone else to test a roof fall first. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:55 am
by Don McGlone
Looks cool Brad.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:05 am
by bcombs
Don McGlone wrote:Looks cool Brad.
Hey Don, if your ever up this way send me a PM and stop by. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:56 pm
by TradMike
Where did you get the starter set and how much did it cost? Are more available? Always looking to add holds.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:17 pm
by enoch308
It is looking great ! Love the picture, good angles.
I have a similar wall in my garage. Some of my best holds are spots that I have drilled out, jig sawed into whatever shape and then 1/4 round over bit with a router. You can't move the hold but it adds a little extra dimension. Odd shaped pieces of plywood, round over routered for comfort and paint with sand is a lot of fun to make too. Just stick the bolts through for the T nut.
...........And tools can be mounted behind the wall so you don't loose the valuable wall space. Stick a light behind the wall to see the tools and it gives the painted wall a cool effect too.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:10 pm
by KD
enoch308 wrote:What is 3/8ths backer rod? I just went ahead and stuck the T-nuts in by themselves. Is it an extension or something?
backer is a foam rod used when you caulk to close gaps prior to caulking. You can get it at lowes or anyplace like that where they sell paint and caulk. once you texture jus pull it out with needlenose pliers and paint wont get into the tnut threads

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:49 pm
by Zspider
Very nice! Paint surely looks much nicer than plain plywood streaked with black rubber streaks, but I've never felt the need. If you are a gross amateur with the style of a pig like me, you might want to avoid paint with sand in it. If you are doing serious laps and sketching, you're going to wear out the rubber on your shoes once a week.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:12 am
by bcombs
TradMike wrote:Where did you get the starter set and how much did it cost? Are more available? Always looking to add holds.
Contact Cromlech on here. I called it a starter set, but it was really just him picking out a few hundred bucks worth of holds for me. He's a cool guy and will help you get the right stuff. The only thing I think I'll add to what I have is more big slopers.
