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Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:30 am
by Steve
OK kids don't over react now. Check your facts before you go ranting and posting. Dingo you must have heard wrong because those folks that work the mornings don't get much I can't always say the same for the 11.

Anyway, here is the deal. Property owners in Fayette County can burn their debris if it is on an acre or more of land. PROPERTY OWNERS...NOT THE CITY. For those few farms still left in the county this is just another option for debris removal. The city is collecting debris left on the curb, taking it to one of three locations where they are grinding it up into mulch. If anyone wants to drive down a street and collect free wood help yourself, its going to be out there for awile. Several folks have scavenged thru my piles and only hauled off what might make decent firewood. I wished they would've taken the whole lot, its not as much fun to jump in a pile of sticks as it is to jump into a pile of leaves.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:47 am
by dipsi
Last weekend when I was at Lexi's, I noticed a lot of private trucks hauling wood away. I hoped it was going to warm someone's home this winter. If you get something going, Dingo, let me know!
Maybe I can get a day off to help.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:35 pm
by dingo
Thanks Steve. That's the answer I needed. Coming from Texas where brush burning is a regular pasttime when it isn't too dry on private property, I had a hard time believing the city or state would organize and run a large burn.

As for wood, there is plenty in Masterson Station. I already filled my truck twice with wood from ONE guys curb. He even offered his wheelbarrow so I could get the good logs from his backyard! Got some really nice oak and something else (sycamore I think).

Also, Lexmark has free firewood from everything the fell on property. It is supposed to be for employees only, so I didn't tell you about it! There is firewood and mulch (two dumpsters full already). Enjoy! It will be there until April. Come after 4PM on weekdays and before dark. Weekends anytime before dark.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:10 pm
by ynot
Have you tried splitting any of that sycamore yet?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:32 pm
by dingo
I haven't tried splitting any of it yet. It's too wet. I'm waiting until next fall. Hopefully the summer will dry it out nicely.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:33 pm
by dingo
Steve, I just reread your post. I was trying to check the facts. Hence, my post here hoping you would get it. I also emailed all the TV stations in Lexington and have yet to hear back from them. Oh well. You answered my question perfectly.