Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:56 am
From the previous thread
We also heard a similar theme in our stategic planning meeting. People said that one of the things they valued most about Red River Gorge was it felt like home to them. One idea would be to call it a reunion. Cavers in W. Va. have an event called Old Timer's Renion (OTR) which is legendary. So maybee something like "Red River Reunion"?gulliver wrote:Maybe something to give it some kind of homecoming feel. Climbers are a fairly transient bunch but Miguels and the RRGCC and it's goals are based here at the gorge. Anyone who has put in an effort for securing access here has a stake in it and wants it to succeed and that's an asset for continued support. People have the goofiest connections to things sometimes, that's how endowments start, and reconnecting with your climbing roots and seeing how the balls being carried by the new crop would be cool.