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Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:16 pm
by jjhellstrom
I personally really like Synrock holds. The holds aren't made from resin. They are actually made up from a sandstone base, so they truly feel more like rock than plastic holds.. The texture is very easy on your hands and if the holds don't have as much friction as you like, you can "acid etch" them, giving the holds more friction. The shapes are cool and prices are even cooler.. Only thing is.. they are from PA. so if you aren't w/in a state of so of them, shipping can kind of be hectic.. They holds can be heavy..

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:03 pm
by captain static
RRO wrote:have you used their holds bill ? they look pretty sweet. how well do they hold up ?
These holds are in use at both RockQuest and Climb Time of Blue Ash so yes I have used these holds. I can say I do like the holds very much & I believe many if not all were shaped by Jeff Lemkuhl. Also the company owner, Lynnette Miller, is a chemist and I know that she did a lot of research and work developing her resin formulation and that her research included strength testing.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:17 pm
by gunslnga
marathonmedic wrote:Anybody have experience with ebay for holds? How about putting the holds in the same dishwasher I put the dishes in?
I have bought holds, t-nuts, bolts, hangers, etc. etc. from ebay, knock on wood, no bad experiences yet......

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:36 pm
by TradMike
My fav shapes and quality

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:35 pm
by tomdarch
TradMike wrote:My fav shapes and quality
Notice that URL - ends in "" - Yep, THAT SCO! :evil:

Any way, Voodoo use a 'softer' resin with a non-slip back - great texture, great shapes.

SoIll does have great holds, and the Chancellor brothers provide great customer service. Last order they threw in a few seconds and prototypes for free.

For a geat value on larger holds, e-grips is pretty nice. They use a different resin that's more skin friendly (probably urethane like SoIll)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:22 pm
by Crankmas
crater holds aka cheapholds dba lmnop are moving and not shipping holds- voodoo holds dba voodoo holds lmnop are moving and not shipping holds- stand by for more lame responses from like companies ( as of now )