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Red River Ropeguns

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:40 pm
by soccerfast007
Stewy, Dking, and myself are establishing our very own company RRR, The Red River Ropeguns, we will be donating a large chunk of our profits to the RRG (pronounced "arrrrgg"), and the rest we will save for a rainy day (or more likely send it with DK; to the boat; to put it all on RED!). The RRR will ropegun routes varying from 5.2 (me on lead) to 5.15 (we'll call in a favor from Sharma, or Graham). The crux for our company to succeed will be sobering up Stew for the ever early 9am departures on Saturdays and Sundays, after that we will be cruising, we expect to net 50 dollars by next spring. for details pm dking or stewy911 they are the contact people for our enthusiastic entrepreneurial endeavor.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:22 pm
by ynot
Sure you can toprope routes. most times it's easier to lead them than bushwack to the top. likely safer too judging from the number of people that do the lemming thing.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:30 pm
by Ascentionist
The bears top rope all the time.