Jared and Karla,
Your passion for the routes you put up, and the obvious pride you have in them is amazing. You give and give, and endure criticism from a bunch of people (i'm sure i've offended you both at some time or another). If harsh criticism comes, it means that you are making enemies. If you are making enemies, that means you are doing something significant with your life. So thanks for doing something significant with your lives, your time, your energy, and your passions. You're awesome people. Conrats on your big day. I hope you enjoy eachother and have time to forget all about the naysayers. I hope someone reminds you daily that what you are doing is good. Be well.
Karla and Jared Appreciation Week
- Posts: 82
- Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:58 am
Karla and Jared,
You guys know how much Josh and I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the both of you as well as Rick, Liz, Sisco, JJ, T-Bone and the many others who work on the Muir Valley Developement Team. It is important to remember that you should do things because you have a passion for what it is you are doing.
Also opinions are like you know what and everybody has one. That sure does not mean their opinions are relevant. Success can be measured in many different ways and as far as I am concerned the Muir Valley project is a HUGE success.
If the two of you never install another bolt you have already accomplished more than 99% of the rest of the climbing world. I speak from personal experience that no persons dream becomes a reality without a lot of help from others. Rick and Liz had a dream - you are a large part of why that dream came true. You and all the others should be damn proud of what you have accomplished. Let the talkers talk because you are the real deal and you have walked the walk.
You guys know how much Josh and I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the both of you as well as Rick, Liz, Sisco, JJ, T-Bone and the many others who work on the Muir Valley Developement Team. It is important to remember that you should do things because you have a passion for what it is you are doing.
Also opinions are like you know what and everybody has one. That sure does not mean their opinions are relevant. Success can be measured in many different ways and as far as I am concerned the Muir Valley project is a HUGE success.
If the two of you never install another bolt you have already accomplished more than 99% of the rest of the climbing world. I speak from personal experience that no persons dream becomes a reality without a lot of help from others. Rick and Liz had a dream - you are a large part of why that dream came true. You and all the others should be damn proud of what you have accomplished. Let the talkers talk because you are the real deal and you have walked the walk.
"If you smile at me I will understand
Because that is something everybody, everywhere does in the same language"
Crosby,Stills and Nash - Wooden Ships
Because that is something everybody, everywhere does in the same language"
Crosby,Stills and Nash - Wooden Ships
- Posts: 1452
- Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:02 pm
I spotted the car we carpooled in from the photo, amazing day saturday climbing and meeting folks literally from around the globe as well as ...Ohio, thanks to the both of you, Good Luck in your new commitments and kudos to Mike and ? for the new bridge. oh yea, thanks to Rick and Liz for the little part they played, HA