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Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 8:12 pm
by Wes
When gravity fails is rad as well. I also really carnivorous and rocket man.

Pretty much you cross the damn, turn right and go a couple 100 yards or so, the trail sorta wanders around a big fallen trail with lot of branches in the way. Right around here, you will hopefully see a trail to the left that takes you to a logging road. If you come to a little steam, you have gone to far. Hike the logging road to the 2nd branch, go up this just a little ways, then left up a very faint trail will put you under close encounters with a wench.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:12 pm
by dhoyne
squeezindlemmon wrote:butterflies everywhere.
So Jared didn't like the hike I take it.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:53 pm
by J-Rock
Karla was scared of a little bitty lizard that "attacked" her and began climbing up the back of her leg where it hung precariously for a moment thinking that it had found a safe hiding place.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:55 pm
by ynot
When Gravity Fails is a great line. We Toproped it. I heard stories of Beta Bill taking big air leading it.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:00 pm
by squeezindlemmon
I did When Gravity Fails without jamming once. If Jared was the one belaying me, I'm sure he would have given me lots of penalty slack (like he did when I refused to handjam Africa). It's hard for me to even fistjam Gravity! I wish I had bigger hands.... :x