i agree sandy.
im taking the hangers off all my routes. they will require cinching a nut over the bolts, this will include the anchors as well. pigs routes will have grease applied to all clipping jugs and will be retro fitted with porter hangers.
If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
If I am in the PMRP and I encounter a loose bolt or some problem with the fixed anchors, who and how am I to address the problem? Do I post it on the online guide? Or post at here in a thread? Or do I contact the RRGCC. Let's assume I can not contact the route equipper.
well see I'd say you should post it here, assuming you don't know how to fix it yourself. Then a flame war can erupt, I mean someone who does know how to fix it can do it right away.
and the person who fixes it can then post up that the person who pointed it out is an idiot but it's been fixed. Or they can skip the name calling and just post that it's been take care of.