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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:25 pm
by squeezindlemmon
:lol: I like Morgain's idea. I'm pretty sure we can rake up a big chunk of donations with that one.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:07 pm
by Artsay
I got a call back today from UK and they are working on getting us a spot for the slide show. The guy sounded really interested in making this happen for us. I won't know anything until the first week in January but it sounds like that'll work well with the other scheduled slide shows you got going on around the area. Maybe we can shoot for beginning-mid February, having enough time to really drum up interest and aim for a big turnout and make it a really great fundraiser. Maybe even get some donations and do a raffle. Maybe even have time to get an ad in Ace Weekly! Seriously, I think this could be a really good event if we take advantage of it. Hell, depending on the space we have to use, we could do a ton!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:44 pm
by Meadows
An idea for some of these fests (or at other times) to raise money if we don't charge entry is this:

Donate for a "lotto" before/during event. At the end of the night, 1/2 of the money gathered can go to a winning recipient and the other 1/2 to the coalition.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:05 pm
by Spragwa
We call that a 50/50 raffle. It should be about a $150 gimme at every function. Good idea meadows!

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:10 pm
by brad mc
having events is fun and you can raise a ton of cash quickly.

we have keg party/band nites at a local gym (easy to do) and raise $1k or do something a little nicer at a local club or a nice athletic gym like the Concourse.

you dont need up front cash as what you do is have sponsors that pre-pay the event.

we establish our budget - say $1500. Then we go out and find 30 sponsors that will all chip in $50. Some will put in more.... some less. Getting 30 people to kick in $50 is easy.

We do a big summer party every year and have raised from 10 to 18k at the event.

try to find a place that will give you a big deal on the event. Dont overpay as it will eat up all your profit.

get local sponsors for massages, cases of wine, nice sunglasses, car washes, climbing gear, local kayak shops, etc. and have a big raffle and silent auction.

you will raise some serious $$$

a few other ideas that have worked for us.

Annual Photography contest. (everyone pays x amount to enter a pic and have it at a local climbing shop)... have beer and you will raise $500

tshirts and stickers - with the crag on it - getting your message out. you will raise some $$ but better... you will raise awareness.

Climbathon - stupid easy. get 15 climbers and have people sponsor them for every climb they do in a local gym. good for $1000 or more.

Online pledges and fundraising - if you need $5k now... put the amount on the message board...ask for 50 $25 pledges, 25 $100 pledges,,, you get the picture and raise it right there online... doesnt cost you anything.

online bidding for gear - this can be a nice photo or an old piece of vintage climbing gear. easy way to raise $$ quick.

local climbing or bouldering comp - we raise $$$$$ from boulder comps... at the raffle and with the comp itself. if you dont have a local boulderfield have a 10k raise through the valley.

Sticker jars - i think i saw where you were doing this... but put out a big plastic jar with info on what your raising cash for. Put out stickers in front of the jar. Small things of advil, aloe vera, plastic biners, climber swag also works. People drop their change in the jar and take out a piece of gear. YOu can raise $1000 plus from intown shops a year. (no shit).

these are just a few ideas.... i am at work and need to go pay some bills... more soon.

let me know if you have specific questions.

keep up the good work.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:55 pm
by squeezindlemmon
brad mc wrote:online bidding for gear - this can be a nice photo or an old piece of vintage climbing gear. easy way to raise $$ quick.

Sticker jars - i think i saw where you were doing this... but put out a big plastic jar with info on what your raising cash for. Put out stickers in front of the jar. Small things of advil, aloe vera, plastic biners, climber swag also works. People drop their change in the jar and take out a piece of gear. YOu can raise $1000 plus from intown shops a year. (no shit).
Great ideas! I like the one about online bidding.... it can be sort of like a garage sale. Like they say, someone else's junk is another one's treasure. I'm sure people can start their "spring cleaning" and donate anything they can part with. All proceeds can go to the cause.

As for the sticker jars, if we ever do this, FoMV has a whole bunch of sunscreen packets that can also be donated. We only used about half of it during our trail days.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:57 pm
by Spragwa
I still have two boxes of gear left over from the RRGCC gear sale two years ago. That can all go up too!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:34 pm
by squeezindlemmon
Okay, this sounds kinda dumb, but for some "local" flavor, we can find a place that makes homemade jams/preserves (in those old jars) - or someone can make a big batch and we can bottle it then re-label it with Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve. I know it's cheesy but we can entice climbers by saying that they can use it with PB&J and it will help their climbing (!) and it could be something that can be easily marketed to non-climbers. We can sell them at Miguels, RRO or do like the girl/boy scouts do..... just another idea. It'll be like the preserve that'll help preserve the Preserve. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:00 pm
by Artsay
That's a CUTE idea, Karla! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:56 pm
by Artsay
Welcome KD! I think the gear auction is a great idea! What we need to figure out is:
1. How to get the most for the item (publicizing the event)
2. Accepting money
3. Getting the items to the winner