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Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:42 pm
by pigsteak
well then...why argue with a movie...ever been to a Gold's gym? Those people look so unhappy, and durn serious all the time. Taking a quick peek at their profile in the full length mirrors while dabbing sweat from their brow. Holding their pecs at full salute. Acting like working out is full blown surgery or something....

but jogging in place is full on latent homosexual tendency ridden....

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:14 pm
You can usually tell the real runners because they actually stop at stoplights. They know enough about their game to understand that two minutes of inactivity won't destroy their fitness level.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:24 pm
by meetVA
true, maybe it is a mental thing for them? as much as the support of running with a bunch of other people.

i know that i hate running. but i'm much more likely to enjoy it and go a farther distance than if i go by myself. maybe i'm just not that much of a loner.

running is a great workout b/c you can do it anywhere. but on the flip side it can be really hard on your joints. *sigh*

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:42 pm
by skychick
SCIN wrote:You can usually tell the real runners because they actually stop at stoplights. They know enough about their game to understand that two minutes of inactivity won't destroy their fitness level.
I must be a fake I either jog in place or dart through traffic

[weird chick logic]
Speaking of which....when you have a larger number of people, I think it is easier to dart through traffic...Cars are more likely to stop & if they don't, I figure that the car won't kill all of there's less chance I'll die.
[/weird chick logic]

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:24 pm
by pigsteak
I'm with Ray...real runners know that a minute of rest won't do anything to your fitness level...and not jogging in place will guarantee that we'll quit talking about you.

When I do longer runs while training for something, it is fun to run with one other person..makes the miles go by faster....

And don't even get me started on those goof balls who run with head phones or run inside on a treadmill when it is 70 degrees outside...if it ain't raining or dark, then you should be outside getting your skin cancer for the day.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:29 pm
by Wes
My ipod shuffle is the only company I need for a good outside run. I kinda like running at night though. It is cool to have a person or two to run next to on the treadmill though.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:57 pm
by Christian
skychick wrote: [weird chick logic]
Speaking of which....when you have a larger number of people, I think it is easier to dart through traffic...Cars are more likely to stop & if they don't, I figure that the car won't kill all of there's less chance I'll die.
[/weird chick logic]
I think that is the "herd principle"; and that is the reason I like climbing with a group.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:03 pm
by alien2

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:45 pm
by cassio598
SCIN wrote:You can usually tell the real runners because they actually stop at stoplights. They know enough about their game to understand that two minutes of inactivity won't destroy their fitness level.
[Here comes some full-on geekdom] Actually, stopping activity for more than 12 seconds halts the production of new capilaries (or what ever the actual process is), a major reason for doing easy runs. This according to Arthur Lydiard, the great, recently departed, New Zeland coach of Murray Halberg, Peter Snell, Lasse Viren, and a whole bunch of other Olympic Gold-Medalist distance guys. So stopping for 2 minutes does, in fact, hurt your fitness level. On top of that, in my experience, if you've been running kinda hard, like faster than 6:30 miles, it's much for difficult to get up to speed if you've been standing around sucking your thumb instead of jogging in place, bouncing from foot to foot, or generally keeping our heart rate up.

As far as running as a solo sport, that only seems to be the opinion of folks who started by themselves as adults. I ran cross country and track for both my high school and college teams, and I can tell you running is more fun and easier with a bunch of guys than on your own. Besides making it more difficult to wimp out and sit on the couch, it's a lot easier to crank with a couple of other people to help you keep going, take over pace-making duties, etc. I can think of one hot, rolling, 9.5 mile, 60 min. 10 sec. (that's 6:20 pace lads) suffer fest in particular that would have been impossible on my own. Oh, and I'm pretty sure we hopped back and forth at stop lights.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:10 pm
by pawilkes
a climbing injury has made running (and anything else that causes lots of knee impact) a very painful form of exercise. however, i realize that cardio is important and that running is one of the best, most time efficient ways to build it. so, i like to go to the gym and work out on the eliptical cross trainers, especially during the Wisconsin winters. i try to ride when the weather is nice but running is just more time efficient at building cardio, i wish i could still do it.