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Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 9:01 pm
by Gretchen
I'll definitely let you know how it goes. I am stoked to check it out.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:21 am
by ynot
Should significantly boost Prozac sales,buy stock in drug companies.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:28 am
by merrick
I saw some piece where some schizophrenic guy said it was like schizophrenia but if he was schizophrenic how could he differentiate.

I don't think any machine can mimic the rushing onslaught of thoughts spiraling off to infinity as you struggle to grasp onto the floor and the world is breathing with you and then it is breathing through you, as you see the interlocking patterns of reality which define the working fabric of consciousness and then watch those patterns break down and feel the despair of truly not 'knowing' and the true alienation of the individual from the collective which is trying to control you and everything....

not that i would know.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:04 am
by ynot
Damn Merrick,I had a flashback just reading that !

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:05 pm
by sparky
yeah, me too dude
Merrick you sure your not a schizo?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:13 pm
by Gretchen
Well if he is then I have a study that we will pay him to participate in!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:52 pm
by sparky
I have had three concusions, two in the same area (right frontal lobe) and there are defiantly moments in life where i feel like how merrick discribed. Don't know if i am a bonified schizo but i have flash backs.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 2:11 am
by ynot
Whoa ! I have had at least 3 concusions.I figure its why I get headaches,but I deal with reality just fine.They should put warning labels on trees,you could fallout and bash yer head .warning labels on ice skates ,you could crack yer head on the ice,O they prolly make you wear a helmit. Hm I'm ranting again.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 2:06 pm
by bberlier
ynot, I can just imagine you running around as a child banging yoour head into everything. Did your parents make you put on a helmet to take out the trash or get the mail? :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 2:17 pm
by Guest
Wow, Merrick - you totally nailed it. Um, so I have heard...

Gretchen, have a great trip today! We expect a full report after they remove the straight jacket.