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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:25 am
by dipsi
Again, way to go Jen!!!!
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:26 am
by pigsteak
I am trying to find out what is so notable about this....isn't the first time ANY person touches real rock "notable"? Isn't it an entirely new and exciting experience for all of us? Geesh, what people won't cling to for inspiration..may I suggest that the first assembly in Iraq a few days ago is notable...climbing is...well...climbing...
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:01 pm
by Sunshine
Actually the start of Africa is low 5th class until you get to the 5.9 part. But hey, we live in a society that gives smiley faces just for showing up.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:22 pm
by Paul3eb
Sunshine wrote:But hey, we live in a society that gives smiley faces just for showing up.
i thought we lived in a society that was more along the lines of a "hey we'll give you a smiley face and be happy for you while you can see us" then a solid cold steel stab in that back while you aren't looking (or are looking) so that we can feel like we know what's real and good.. kind of society. my mistake..
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:30 pm
by alien2
While you are pulling the bottom of Africa watch out for the baboons.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:56 pm
by Kiribell
Personally I feel it's important to give someone new to the sport allot of encouragement. The ego of a new climber needs to be pumped up a little. If someone gets the "pigsteak" attitude they may be turned off from the sport. Its a matter of opinion I suppose. Thanks to Wes for setting up the route..And the positive encouragement you three guys gave to my friend was really kool and much appreciated..
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:08 pm
by pigsteak
first off, let's get something straight. to most posers on here, rock climbing is not a sport. it is a hobby. sport involves some sort of competition, and most chuffers on here lie and say they loathe the competitive nature of climbing. therfore, it is a hobby, like crocheting.
we don't need more climbers at the crags. haven't you heard all the complaints of erosion and over crowding. keep them in the gym, and give them their smiley face diaper rash in that environment. until they become a REAL climber (read 5.12) or at least a gumby (read 5.10-5.11), please don't sweat, hangdog, and salivate all over our warmups. top roping some over chalked slab at the red is not an accomplishment..don't let your supposed friend's encouragement mislead you. they are happy to be posing for you, not happy that you are actually climbing. if you start climbing better than they are, there love will turn to competition for the spotlight, and then we are back to square one.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:25 pm
by Kiribell
Is it even possible for you to be positive about anything, ever, climbing or otherwise? You seem to have so much condescension for everything climbing related I have to wonder why you even bother with it at all...
It's like your brain is permanently stuck in “I hate everyone and everything” mode. You have been a nice guy in the past and it’s much more attractive. Your jossing around isn’t even funny, it’s just boring. Try a new approach dude, try to be positive once and a while and you might actually find the light to be more comforting then the dark. I sense there is a nice guy inside of you trying to scratch his way out of a hardened shell of discontent and misery. Let go Kip…I would like to know the part of you that I have seen before.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:48 pm
by pigsteak
miserable....grumble , grumble..
dark...grumble, grumble....
time for some fluff.....
I feel better already..thanks for the therapy.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:13 pm
by Rags
hey pig, I think I like your practical sense of cynicsm. I guess we should pat everybody on the back now and then but you have proven your worth as the forum bot who readily dispatches those who haven't thought out their responses.
sure, everybody can be a nice guy but sometimes you just have to say what you're thinking.