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Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 7:48 pm
by dingo
The Hitchhiker's series is great! I learned so much. Like I always carry a large towel to wrap around my head when I run into monsters. Also, if you ever do brain surgery on yourself, be sure to engrave your initials in your brain so you know you did it cause otherwise you won't remember.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 7:57 pm
by overhung
You're out there and I'm with you. I read the Don Juan series and haven't really been the same since. Isn't the Monkey Wrench Gang a humorous tale about militant environmentalists?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 8:23 pm
by Gretchen
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 9:03 pm
by Guest
overhung wrote:You're out there and I'm with you. I read the Don Juan series and haven't really been the same since.
ditto. Those books are definitely life changing.
Isn't the Monkey Wrench Gang a humorous tale about militant environmentalists?
Yes! I loved it and the sequel - couldn't put them down. My thanks go to Gretchen for that recommendation many months ago!
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 9:36 pm
by zemkat
The Hitchhiker's Guide books are very fun -- I was a big fan of them in high school. (half of my nick is a character from one of them) They do get weirder as the series goes on. The radio show is very funny also, though at some point the story radically diverges from that of the books. (or vice versa, I guess, as the show was first) Speaking of Douglas Adams, has anyone read The Salmon of Doubt?
Anxiously awaiting the next Harry Potter book... I think you'll really like them Lynne, though the stories do get quite a bit darker as the series goes on (particularly Goblet of Fire).
Currently reading The Two Towers, like many others I'm sure.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 9:51 pm
by Lame Wade
Those books are swell. I went out and put chewed up bubble gum with food in it on a buldozers drivers seat after reading monkey wrench.
That really changed my life. I'm so messed up now! I owe it all to those great books.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 10:46 pm
by Steve
Yep JB your theory is correct, climbers really are a bunch of nerds all grown up.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 11:11 pm
by deleted username
yeah yeah, TV boy.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 11:24 pm
by captain static
Even more life changing than reading the Castaneda books is practicing the teachings of Don Juan.
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 12:30 am
by Yasmeen
The Celestine Prophecy series is a great series, as is the Harry Potter series (I'm sure you'll love all 4 of them, Lynne). I'm a fan of Krakauer, I read some of his stuff this summer. The book I have now is called the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, so it's got all the stories in one big book, so it looks like I'm gonna be reading it cover to cover based on the response from all you guys!