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Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:58 am
by Artsay
Oh My God!
That is BEAUTIFUL Jeff!!!!!!!
You are creating your future climbing sends with that thing. Way to freakin' GO!!!!
I had a great weekend...
I did three new routes on Saturday at FRC: Smokin' Joe, Infidel, and Red Hot Chili Pepper (this route was bad ass). And the weather was great! Too bad the cold weather is coming in.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:00 am
That's kick ass Jeff! Damn!
Climbed Red Hot Chili Pepper for the first time this weekend. That's a cool lead. Runout and crimpy!
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:04 am
by diggum
Nothing. Thanks for rubbin it in. At least I was able to get out & do a couple routes, I'm thankful for that. The weather was very nice.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:12 am
by Guest
Next time I go to FRC I'm gonna lead Red Hot Chili Pepper. It's under my skin and it burns so good!
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:23 am
by Yasmeen
I've gotta spray for him because I was so damn impressed-- Kneebar onsighted The Specimen (using some crazy beta that made the OW look casual) and Thunder Chicken this weekend. Allah did some pretty cool trad-itional climbing. And I got Dave the Dude, which was unexpected and exciting. Sweet ass weekend. =)
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:31 am
by rockstar
worked my last saturday and climbed at long wall today. good weather for a change was nice.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:54 am
by Alan Evil
I sent B flat/C sharp on lead! Woo hoo!!! Go me!!!
Is it a redpoint since I've climbed it before?
Heh heh. This is kind of like a kid with a scooter bragging about racing to a pit crew at the Daytona 500.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:58 am
by J-Rock
Bolted, cleaned, and red-pointed a cool 12a sport route at Muir. Super cool 8 move boulder problem start (V4-V5) on crimps and slopers... then it soon eases to overhanging pockets and jugs.
Also, bolted and cleaned a 10a next to it, but when I went for the redpoint a hold broke as I was locking off the final move before the finishing jugs. The "solid-looking" hold snapped off and struck my belayer in the face. Fortunately he wasn't seriosly injured and he caught my fall as well.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:04 am
by Wes
Alan Evil wrote:I sent B flat/C sharp on lead! Woo hoo!!! Go me!!!
My very first redpoint was c sharp / B flat. Just over 6 years ago now. Man was I pumped and scared clipping the bolt after the little crux section!
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:37 am
by Alan Evil
So that means I'll be climbing 12's about the time I hit 45? Crap.