strum wrote:and as per using sticks in the woods....
although the idea is fine, and, until recently I did just that
take a close look at the major sport areas of the red. Most of the busher have been shorn of branches by people looking for stick clips, by actually having your own you reduce the cliff base impact.
you voted for kerry didn't you? you might want to stop using chalk to minimize impact too. the basic qualities of magnesium carbonate could actually harm some species dependent on a higher acidity. you're the kind of person that needs to stay in the gym and bitch about how everyone is tearing up the environment and how they need to build more roads so they can drive SUV's to look at only parts of the wild, build more building so we don't disturb the environment, suck more cock because it tastes good.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast