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Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:28 pm
by GWG
For those attending the celebration of John's life, please be prepared for rain. Unfortunately, thunder showers are in the forecast.

I hope the weather holds for everyone attending.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:46 pm
by Guest
GWG raises a good point, but the area under the ampitheatre will stay dry even in a downpour so we should be okay.

I could use a favor. Is anyone who is going to be there a member of a Sam's Club or something similar? I have $25 allocated for sandwich buns, but it won't go far at Kroger. Could someone please pick up as many as possible at a buyer's club like this and I will pay you back the $25 Saturday night? Please let me know. These are needed to go with the meat from Mark's Mtn BBQ. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:03 pm
by Guest
Sandy wrote:We may need another car, along with mine, so if anyone has riders and space for food, please let me know and meet us at Miguel's.
okay, this is covered, but I could still use a hook up for the bulk sandwich buns.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:40 pm
by alien2
Friendly reminder - Be prepared for the mosquitoes – Skin so Soft, Off, Deet, etc.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:16 am
by Gina
Hi, I'm not a climber but joined your site to thank you for the wonderful
memorial (posted photos and planned service) for John. He was my dear friend from 7th grade on. We didn't see each other much or even keep in touch these last
few years, however. I do have a Sam's Club membership. I'd really like to do something to help and maybe we can work something out---I'd be glad to go shopping at Sam's and donate whatever I can. It is still questionable whether I can (or should as I could still be contagious) come to the memorial service as I've been recently hospitalized for viral meningitis. Fell seriously ill the day John died---think there is still connection between old friends, too? Please let me know if I'm your best bet for going to Sam's.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:05 pm
by Guest
Gina, thanks so much for your offer, but please, you have been through a lot. Don't worry about it - we will get it done. Take good care.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:06 pm
by Guest
Important update:

Volunteers are needed at or near the ampitheatre at Torrent at 4 pm, not 5 pm as previously requested. Please look for Shannon and she will tell you where your help is needed. If you know anyone who is willing to help who may not see this message, please pass this information along to them.


Also, a parking update:
The plan is to try and let the family and non-climbers use the closer parking--at the B&B, and try and have the more able-bodied climbers use the further away parking (at Miguel's, Via Ferrata, etc.) and shuttle, carpool, and walk.

We will have roadside directional signs that will say, "Bronaugh Memorial," and "Bronaugh Memorial Parking," with arrows to help direct people. So, that should help with parking and with volunteers to assist with directing, shuttling, and answering questions we should be in reasonably good shape.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:50 pm
by rhunt
can we park at roadside and walk to the BB? Or will our cars get broken into or towed?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 8:03 pm
by Meadows
Extra hands are still needed at Torrent tomorrow afternoon to help with setup.

Sandy will be away for the afternoon so if there are further questions or if you want to volunteer, please direct a PM to me. Or, contact Gretchen through

I cannot answer whether someone will break into your vehicle; I do not have affiliation with that group. Maybe you can hire the Manimal to protect it.