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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:49 pm
by mcrib
What is the group and on what critera was this group selected?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:54 pm
You are correct. This is a country club. We have funded for a personal masseuse as well as a constant supply of Red Bull and Vodka. To be accepted into the club, you must meet a rigid criteria consisting of a personal climbing resume along with a demonstration of your spraying and bouldering skills. If you can't spray and boulder with Lexington's finest then you have not a chance of being in the club. All of the people accepted into the co-op have also undergone a physical by our full time Doctor as well as a background investigation by our on-staff lawyer.

Actually, we're just trying to start small so it doesn't get confusing as shit and out of control. Our space is limited too. Many of us had to work a little to get someone in that we wanted and many of us couldn't get someone in that we wanted. We even had to pay Wes massive amounts of money to stay with us.

It sucks that this is seen as elitist though because I really hate looking like some faggoty elitist. I can't stand elitist pricks.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:03 pm
by pianomahnn
:arrow: this guy. . .all alone.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:11 pm
by Artsay
It's a difficult situation. First off, we just want to train. Secondly, we need a lot of money to build and maintain a gym. Third, we need to trust people to pay every month to keep it going. Fourth, many people don't want to go into a monetary relationship with someone they don't know. Fifth, everything gets difficult very quickly.

Basically, after speaking with several co-founders of The Shop in Chicago, we've made 95% of our decisions based off of their rules. Up there, they are establishing a _new Shop where the monthly dues are $75/month! Why? Because they are adamant about keeping their numbers low because of liability issues. If you come in and break your neck, your family WILL be suing somebody.

So what it's come down to is that, to get into this thing, three people have to vouch for you and you can get in with a unanimous minus one vote. We've capped off the memberships to 25 people and now we just need to get this thing going. In time, the rules may change but, at this point, we have nothing. Eventually, _new people can be brought in as guests and, if new memberships open up and the person isn't controversial, then they will be considered for membership.

It's not an elitist thing. It's simply an attempt to get the most people who know each other well enough to go into a somewhat risky business arangement with each other.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:22 pm
by spuzo
Artsay wrote: if nude memberships open up and the person isn't controversial, then they will be considered for membership.

Sorry, just made me chuckle...I'll take a nude membership!!! So would that mean that I would have to be nude and people with regular memberships could remain clothed?

Not trying to bust your chops, I just thought it was funny.

And I think the co-op is a good idea and yeah, very difficult to maintain without going allllll out with insurance and liabilty and so on like you would have to do for a "real" business gym...Keep at it, I think you have a good crew working on it.


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:25 pm
by spuzo
damn, I am slow, just realized it's filter. ha...sorry artsay - thought you had a Freudian typo...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:38 pm
by neuroshock
mcrib wrote:Unfortunately the only criteria I fail to meet is being popular enough within a certain circle of climbers to be included.
it's not about popularity, it's about trust.

of course, hopefully, the more people you're popular with, the more people trust you

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:38 pm
by neuroshock
MiaRock wrote:
mcrib wrote:Does Chicago count as the real world?
heyyy.... :(

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:40 pm
by mcrib
Thank you for both your funny and your truthful responses. I am not trying to be a dick about this. It is just frustrating that I have been reduced to using my hangboard in my insanely hot attic as my only form of training. I wish you all good luck with your co-op. I am jsut frutstated by all the divisions within what used to a tight nit climbing community here in Lexington. IN the end I too really would like a place to train. I am serious about this sport but really only enjoy it if I can improve and for me personally indoor climbing is part of that process. But thank you (and Artsay) for at least giving up the details.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:53 pm
by alien2
Build your own wall. If you are luck enough to know anyone with a horse barn or silo you are in serious business. We built a serious wall inside a barn. With all the extra staw we built a 15ft thick crash pad. You can peel at 30ft and be fine. We top rope the silo for endurance building.