I agree with Moore more than I disagree with him, but take what he shows with a grain of salt. We all know how media entities like Fox News-ish Channel or Ann Coulter include this, exclude that, or spin things their way. Moore is a bit like anti-Fox. He doesn't flat out lie like Coulter, but he can't be 100% trusted at face value either. He is trying to make a point and he will do what it takes to make that point. Plus, I've seen him 'at work' in person, and he is a bit of a demagog with a crowd.
That said, from what I've heard he's dealing with a lot of things that the US commercial media are too scared/stupid/lazy to deal with, so I am looking forward to seeing it.
I completely agree with you tomdarch, you really do have take moore with a grain of salt. He can just as easily use things to get his point across that may be taken a little out of context like other forms of media. But I like you said I still want to see it because I believe by only getting all sides of the story can a person form their own valid opinions.