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Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:47 pm
by Wes
With out more info on the front page, how is a person to know any different? I would think some more transpancy would go a long way in this case.
Like, say you all have collected $100.00, via the website. Who decides were the money goes? What about conflicts about where the money goes?
While, I am all for seeing developers recieve some cash, I guess I just think it is easier to just give it to them directly. I am not sure I see the need for yet another org.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:52 pm
by spuzo
This is the uber embryo - the forum is for people to SAY what they you just did in the above post.
The decisions will be made collectively - once the structure is established by the people who are interested in helping.If you went on to the forum, you saw there was a call for nominations, a call for mission statement suggestions and so on and so forth.
You are on that board joe your questions if you want. You know he can't get on here ask him. I am not exactly super keene on speaking for him.
The orignal idea is to have the financial records public on teh site to the extent that is safe (as in no info that could mess up our tax info and stuff.) this will be registered as a legit non-profit with records available to the public. There is nothing to hide, it's a simple gesture.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:09 pm
by Jeff
Very mysterious indeed.
You can't find out anything unless you become a member.
Strange for a non-profit trying to recrute members.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:25 pm
by Jonathan
What a bunch of conspiracy theorists!
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:31 pm
by spuzo
The reason is basically to keep people from just getting on the board to rant and get off topic, there is a speicific cause to be discussed...that is the sole purpose of that board. it doesnt cost any thing to join...there is no membership fee and the only reason we want people to join to discuss is so that we can use your emails to communicate thru a can have your name removed at anytime.
It's really not all that crazy mysterious.
Window shopping doesn't always show you what all there is to buy, you gotta go through the door to see the store...
There is not much on the forum yet because the forum is a basic all call for suggestions and ideas - some of the posts that have been in this thread would be very useful in the other forum.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:54 pm
by Wes
OK, I think the idea, getting money to developers, is good. But, hidden forums, Board of directors and all that is a bit overkill. You can do the same thing with much less overhead and complexity.
Just set up a PO box and a PayPal account. Pick four or five groups (teams suck, Safety, Muir, etc). Each month or whenever the account reaches a pre-determened ammount, write a check to them. Easy to deal with, very little overhead. No need for mission statments and all that. No need to sell t-shirts. Maybe pick 4 core groups of people, and rotate in another bolter once a month or pay period. Easy to see how much money goes in and how much goes out.
Oh, and I still think it is just easier to give Terry some cash or buy him some beer every once in a while.
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:46 am
by Jeff
spuzo wrote:The reason is basically to keep people from just getting on the board to rant and get off topic, there is a speicific cause to be discussed...that is the sole purpose of that board.
Best of luck to you. I hope things work out the way you'd like them to.
I just can't help but laugh at the irony.
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:47 am
by spuzo
Yeah I know
it's's full of it
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:07 pm
by Artsay
I think your intentions are great and best of luck in your efforts!
As to corrective criticism, I would say that you should let everyone see your board. Using your analogy, here's one of my own: people like to window shop
before coming into the store.
Have a banner or something that says, "Sign up for our e-newsletter!". We probably have just as many lurkers on this board as members.
I do have to comment on what you said about your board having a purpose, though. That insinuates that this board doesn't, which is wrong. The few users banned from here were a result of believing that those users steered this board away from its purpose...which is to provide information about climbing (gear for sale, partners needed, festivals, history, etc.). Welcome to our side of the fence!
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:21 pm
by the lurkist
Here is my feedback to Joe, Puzo. There definitely is room for an alternative to the RRGCC as they have huge shortcomings and are seemingly unwilling to address those. I think it is a slam dunk for an alternative community building/ community representing organization to build a membership base. I recommend looking at the SECC as they seem to have their organization together and actually seek new members and foster a membership base (as opposed to demeaning, insulting, and alienanating their nascent membership base). Perhaps it would be a protest vote, but a timely one.