Did another follow-up today, Thursday September 2nd, 2004 at 8:00am. Lee Breth is out of the office until Tuesday. The Road will remain closed thru the busy and final, official, last summer holiday Labor Day weekend. The Lady at the Desk told me that she believed the road would be opened in two or three weeks.
Quit bothering Lee!
Let the road stay closed a few more months. Its gonna be winter soon, we need another closed road to xc ski. Besides that whole 9b east fork of Indian Creek needs a break from all the streamside party camp...um I mean car campers.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
Keep me posted, Glenrider! I'm anxious to get back there and give the easy 10s a shot. It sounds like it might be open before the snow flies. I've always liked Purple Valley.