Back to SCIN's point: aren't there a bunch of whiners here who claim that "kneebars are against the rules"? For them, isn't it big news when someone sends a route "the rigth way"?
knee bars show weakness of character. that said, it isn't the climbing presses purview to report on the decline of western civilization, and shit....
after all, we all climb- we know the end is nigh.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
onsight climbing is the only important kind. all the other stuff is just practice. that's because the real reason for climbing is to be ready to get away from bears and other monsters that are chasing you. therefore only routes that top out or have big ledges or wacos you can sit in for a couple weeks count as real climbing. most of the sport routes in the red are no good cause you'll get tired of hanging there after a while and fall right into the monsters mouth.
i have to confess that i moan about knee bars only because a route i bolted was made significantly easier because of an obvious and clearly on route kneebar that i myopically missed. basically i am bitter and biased. (and i suck at onsighting, only adding to the bitterness).
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."