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Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:45 pm
by Meadows
Hey Sandy! Man, I wish I would've waited for March because many I know are going to the Red Rocks. My trip wasn't exactly as great as I imagined it would be.

I posted a msg on the board; my nickname is Stefanita. Thanks for the tips - it would be so great to just live within driving distance of all this and next year, I WILL!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 10:12 pm
by JB
Little Cottonwood Canyon is great...

Bushwack Crack
Satan's Corner

Big Cottonwood is okay too.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:53 pm
by tomdarch
In April, Snowbird (and maybe Alta) will still be up and running and getting fresh snow from time to time, so roped climbing may be tough in Little Cottonwood in April becuase the canyon is a snow trap. Even bouldering there may be a bit snowy.

You might want to talk to the folks at The Front. It's the gym where most of the PCA comps are held. Everyone I talked to seemed super bouldering oriented, but in April, bouldering may be your best bet. It sounds like there is endless, year-round bouldering in the area. As a plus for moving there - there's also endless year round roped climbing within a 5 or 6 hour driving radius (from Wild Iris to City of Rocks to Moab to St. George and Vegas)

Also, SLC isn't totally Mormon. Out of the whole state, it's probably the least Mormon area, so there are plenty of people to drink with. (even if you do have to order food before drinks - oh well). Also, keep in mind that Trent Reznor says that the freakiest crowds they play to are the SLC shows.

About the Zion area - Zion is amazing. If your offspring are either small enough to slap on your back or old enough to hike a few miles, you have to do the Angel's Landing hike. You won't believe that a National Park trail takes you out onto such an exposed ridge (you've got posts and chains to grab, but it's exposed 4th class scrambling) It ends on the top-out for a bunch of big wall routes like Prodigal Son - it's got these weird white blobby-rock formations that gave it it's name. Also, there's tons of climbing in the St. George area. Even some very family friendly bolted stuff.

SLC has been on my mind - I'm heading out there in mid-February to ski/snowboard out at Alta and Snowbird (and probably check out Powder Mountain)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:08 am
by Horatio Felacio
hey meadows, will you buy me some mormon-issue "special underwear"?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:32 pm
by Meadows
tomdarch, Wow, these are some excellent tips and sounds you know the place very well. I actually don't have offspring so getting to Zion will not be that difficult or as difficult (I dunno - you should've seen me crying on the approaches to the crags at Red Rocks).

Is there a law that says no drinks before food?

Horatio Felacio, I'm afraid to ask.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:13 pm
by Crankmas
Thanks from me too Tom, looks more and more like Zion will be my focus this year. I checked out the Utah climbing site, Shaft looks like quite a character.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:21 pm
by tomdarch
Meadows wrote:Is there a law that says no drinks before food?
From what I understand about the booze laws, to get a drink at a restaurant or brew pub, you have to order food first. There are things that are like bars, but they have to be 'private clubs'. You either have to pay to join or be a guest of a member. What I've heard is that at most places, the next member to show up will usually 'sponsor' you to get in, but the standard deal is to buy them a round of drinks. There are also things like liquor stores, but they are state-run, which always seemed really strange.

This reminded me of the move "SLC Punk" - a lot (all?) beer in Utah is low-alchohol, so people drive up to Wyoming to buy normal beer. There's pretty funny scene in the move when the main characters head up to WY for some beer. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:44 pm
by Crankmas
looks like I'm squared away for mid-June for the timing, I guess I will need a early start for Angels hike huh? spent 2002 vacation in Az during late July, yeah it was hot, Tucson, Sedona, Grand ditch but it wasn't like climing in the Red during the dog daze

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:18 pm
by merrick
yea hit little cottonwood canyon for some quick bouldering. you can be climbing within fifteen minutes of downtown. you can also climb in light snow. i am sure the locals will take care of you. if you see sam tingey (stfu) tell him hi for me.

i grew up 3 hours from there in a town that was mostly full of mormons. they are not all nuts, in fact they make great neighbors. they do have complete control of the politics around there and thus the conservative laws. slc itself is not very mormon.

the special mormon underwear does exist but getting your hands on it might be kind of hard since i think you need to be purified at the temple before you can aquire it. it has got to be some of the least sexy underwear i have ever seen. but some people, like ho, seem to be into that sort of thing.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 7:56 pm
by Meadows
Thanks Merrick!