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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 6:15 pm
by andy_lemon
I find it funny how Charmane oil can distinguish between a climber and a backroading redneck. How do they do that?
And I didn't know climber's shit looked so much different from your average person... I will definately look closer next time.
Obviously, I feel as though their letter is pure speculation.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 6:23 pm
by Guest
I've seen evidence of hunters in many places in the southern region - this includes spent shot gun shells and empty skoal cans as well as other litter. I've also heard quite a lot of gun fire down there, and I know I'm not alone. For Charmagne to assume or try to implicate climbers for every problem is quite a stretch and one that cannot be prooved. On the other hand, we have all seen climbers park in front of oil company equipment. It also wouldn't suprise me to know that some climbers are being rude to Charmagne employees. Climbers need to start policing each other, plain and simple. This shit needs to stop, and not just on the Murray Property.
Thanks for the update, Shannon.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 7:08 pm
by hamsco
Thanks Shannon, for the info and your work.
I hope EVERYONE will wait till everything is worked out, and we can all enjoy the S/R. The tone of the letter should tell all , that the best thing to do is wait this out. Any other actions might make things harder for the RRGCC to resolve the issues.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 7:30 pm
by dhoyne
I almost always hear both hunters and quad apes while I'm in the SR. Although some of these people appear to be from lower forms of life, they probably shit the same as me, and I don't think that an oil worker can tell the difference. And although the oil company build the roads, they are on the surface, which the RRGCC owns, right?
Hopefully all this will be resolved by the time it warms up so I can climb down there again!
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 10:51 pm
by andy_lemon
dhoyne wrote:they probably shit the same as me, and I don't think that an oil worker can tell the difference
Chances are... if they are this
unfriendly to climbers then they probably treat the local hunters and ATV'ers the same way.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:18 pm
by Spragwa
Thanks for the update Shannon. It was very informative and I'm certain that it answers many people's questions.
I'm with everyone in that I really don't believe that climbers are doing this. I know for a fact that there are many groups who use that area: hunters, ATVs, horse-back riders, etc. Climbers are not knuckle-dragging uncouth idiots. Still, it's easy for Charmagne to sit back and say, this is happening, we have a dispute with this group...therefore, the group with whom we are having the dispute must be the group who is behaving that way.
I am very enthusiastic about this situation now that the RRGCC has retained outside counsel to deal with the oil company. If we have further questions on the progress of the lawsuit, I would suggest that we get on and e-mail Shannon. Though no one can handle a barrage of e-mails, I'm sure that she would do her best to update us regularly if we communicate the need and our concern. I'm all for following the advice of counsel with experience in these areas.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:01 pm
by Guest
I want to say that I am the most outspoken and violence prone of all never even crossed my mind to do passive/agressive (re:pussified) shit like that.
I'm a front stabber, not a backstabber. Ask LLR.
I would do something more like having Horatio shave my ass with a straight razor in Robert Stampers' front yard at;
address edited at Gretchens Request)
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:07 pm
by Gretchen
Can you please remove Robert's personal information from your post. It is very inappropriate.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 8:57 pm
by Gretchen
Thank you Dirt. Appreciate it!
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:31 pm
by Guest
not a problem there sweetheart. You just be careful with my son.....