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Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:49 am
by longlegsrule
thanks for your post but I was responding to aaron...not you ert :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:58 am
Man, what's the big deal with being censored? I couldn't do a good enough job of keeping fuckwads from saying bullshit on my site that would keep cool people from posting due to the extreme adolescent nature blah blah blah. So, Sandy and a couple other very cool people volunteered to do the job which I was too immature to handle. But ya know what? I get censored every once in awhile myself now. Does it bother me? Fuck no. I can't imagine it bothering me. Its not like I think my words are those of someone with the caliber of Charles Bukowski or something.

I want you those people who bitch about being censored to ask themselves the following question:

Does having my words (which nobody gives a flying FUCK about) altered *really* piss me off or am I just bitching about it because my pussyhole is bleeding like a teenage bitch on the rag?

I'm going to start a new rule. For each person that bitches about getting censored on this site I am going to personally shove in my basement with the rest of the rotting corpses and let you sit in the digesting belly of my maggot infested whore tomb. Your food will consist of me coming down on each Wednesday and releasing my ten foot cock snake into your cage. The cock snake will slither up your ass and inject its high protein cum fire into your sinus cavity. You will choke most of it up but the little bit that stays will be enough to keep you alive another week to hear the moans and cries of the other cock snake victims. Eventually, you will become a brain dead bitch slithering around on the floor looking for the crumbs of ass flakes that fall from the ceiling of Hollywood asses which I've collected throughout the years. My pet Huggybone will peer out of his cage with his big bright eyes and shoot his poison string beans at you. The poison string beans will inject a certain muggy-moo fucky-poo spell like haze into your brain and allow you to vaporize into a gigantic cloud of "little joey" baby ass grease. This will allow you to soak into a piece of toilet paper and wash out of the small stream leading to the polluted pond in my back yard in which lies the dead bodies of many famous celebrities such as the cute little faggot from the old Battleship commercial and his "on-screen" sister. So, I ask you, do you really want to look like that guy from Midnight Oil the rest of your life? The guy from Mad Max? Who do you want to be?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:54 am
by ertbaby!!!
cock snake? :lol: i think you could have come up with something better man. And my words being altered... well it would have been much funnier if you simply mimiced what i posted rather than erase. just my opinion buddy. and if i am going to be banished to your basement do ya mind if i bring a TV? :wink:

ahahahaha cock snake serioiusly man... you were doing so good up till then

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:33 am
by ertbaby!!!
and my bad on that one long legs! still buddies? :D

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:19 pm
by aaron
llr is chil molestaion if we're both minors?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:47 pm
by rhunt
SCIN, Dude where do you come up with this stuff? Artsay do you ever worry about SCIN's mental well being?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:05 pm
by slacker
God I have been wanting to say this for a long time now, so thanks for opening the door Ray. When I first joined this site it was the shit. The same fuckin thing happened here as did at Miguels. All the dumb-ass, still on their mommas tit, fucking spraying I climb 14's, wanna-be rope gun, wining, punk-ass bitchs. Fucking desended on this site.

I mean who the fuck sits around all day and talks about all this fucking dudes shit. For gods sake fucking grow up, face it censoreship is a part of life. You may be joking but some things are just not acepted in a coummity of normal people.

Thanks for the site Ray sorry that it gets drug so low sometimes, moderators keep up the good work. :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:18 pm
by Alan Evil
So we can't discuss Michael Jackson on this site, huh? Even if he says it's ok for young children to sleep in his bed with him?

I would also like to note that all aging, bald men resemble the singer for Midnight Oil, no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves we don't. But it still hurts to be reminded.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:06 am
by dipsi
Balding and bald men are sexy! And my 24 year-old hottie daughter thinks so too! 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:53 am
by Alan Evil
Does your daughter climb as well? :!: