Cuba Climbing

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Post by Guest »

Tom, you are seditious. Why don't you move to Canada. Then maybe you can marry your boyfriend and smoke some weed legally......faggot.....
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Post by lordjim_2001 »

ccg- what about the gallon of wine I have waiting for your visit? Will it just sit in my apartment and gather dust? Think about the wine girl, think about the wine!
Screw you guys. I'm going bowling.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

The red is still an option fellas....just checking out other places....

keep the wine for me. I'll be down eventually.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
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Post by meetVA »

CCG, it looks like no one has any good advice for you. Sorry. I don't know about the hostel situations or anything along those lines.

Being an American and having traveled to Cuba it seems that our admin. changes its mind (and I use that term loosely) frequently. Last I heard there was talk of dropping the travel ban but that blundered...what a surprise. Americans who can travel to Cuba can go for research, educational purposes or as journalists. They are allowed to spend money there but not over a certain amount per day. (Although how someone would nail you on that figure I don't know.)

What the US has done was open up/loosened some trading sanctions.
Don't we have better things to worry about?
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
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Post by merrick »

hey dirt,

last time i checked the 1st amendment was still in effect (at least for non-enemy combatents) and this being a democracy everybody has a right to suggest a political position.

so tom is not seditious, he is patriotic.
Back from the Dead!
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

Does anyone have any ideas as to where I can find some more info on climbing in Cuba? I'd like to talk to someone who has been.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
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Post by gulliver »

If you search Cuba in the forums at there's an Aussie lass there now who has left an email add. looking for partners. I checked out . lots of info there and beautiful pics. Kinda envious! Go, have fun, and post pics when you get back :)
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Post by Steve »

Wasn't there an article on climbing in Cuba in a Climbing or R&I a while back? I was thinking Craig Lubern (sp?) penned it. Also saw an article on the wildlife/bio-diversity of Cuba in a National Geographic from last year. Might check those mags out for some more info.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by tomdarch »

CCG, you might want to try contacting Armando Menocal - he's the person behind the Cuba Climbing site and wrote at least one of the Cuba articles that were in the US climbing mags. He was a bigwig with the Access Fund and was really helpful and very friendly. I'd bet that he would either help you out directly or put you in touch with someone who can.

(dirt, do you really think that the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 and the Helms-Burton Law of 1996 are the most effective ways to rid Cuba of Castro and help them to establish democracy? Do you really think that the US is better off with a subset of Cuban-Americans having such a disproportionate influence on US policy? Personally, I think that those laws are a ploy to milk the domestic situation and just prolongs Cubans' suffering, and the second is corrosive to American democracy. But I guess that's just sedition, eh?)

(Oh yeah, a Canadian court struck down the decriminalization of pot. I guess that Canada isn't Xanadu after all.)
Bacon is meat candy.
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Olivia Newton-John isn't from Canada.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
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