I don't know if this is helpful or not but here is a short list of climb names and ratings from:
http://gorp.away.com/gorp/resource/us_r ... cli_nr.htm
(note it is only a partial list.)
5.5 to 5.6
Afternoon Delight, 5.5 / Bridge Area
Beginners Only, 5.5 / Bridge Area
Dairy Area, 5.4 / Bridge Area
Easily Flakey, 5.6 / Bridge Area
Monkey See - Monkey Do, 5.5 / Bridge Area
5.7 to 5.8
Fantasy, 5.8 / Endless Wall
Hysteria, 5.8+ / Fern Buttress
New River Gunks, 5.7 / Junkyard Wall
Tasty Flake, 5.8 / Bubba City
Where Real Men Dare, 5.7 / Bridge Area
Zag, 5.8+ / Bridge Area
Chockstone, 5.9- / Bridge Area
Flight of the Gumbies, 5.9 / Kaymoor
Fool Effect, 5.9 / Endless Wall
Four Sheets to the Wind, 5.9 / Junkyard Wall
Grafenberg Crack, 5.9- / Endless Wall
New Yosemite, 5.9 / Junkyard Wall
Prowess, 5.9 / Endless Wall
Riding the Crest of a Wave, 5.9 / Endless Wall
Supercrack, 5.9+ / Beauty Mountain