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Update to Murray Property: Gates are up

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:00 pm
by Shannon
On Tuesday, October 14, Charmane Oil erected gates across the access roads on the Murray property to all, or nearly all, the climbing areas. The Murray family was not informed of this action. As the current surface right owners the Murray family is looking into this latest development.

It is unfortunate that Charmane Oil has chosen this course of action, especially, without providing any information regarding their motives. The RRGCC’s primary concern is an amicable resolution to the situation with Charmane Oil and the safety and welfare of all climbers wishing to climb on the Murray property. Again, please be advised of these latest developments and make your plans where to climb wisely until there is more information available and/or a clear resolution can be reached.

These latest developments only serve as a shocking reminder to the fragility of our opportunity to climb on private, and even public, land. Without a legal basis, such as direct ownership, a legally binding easement, or some other legal claim, climbers have little, or no, recourse to continue to climb on other people’s land when we are denied access. The RRGCC is as committed as ever to work hard to ensure open and continued access to these, and other, quality climbing, opportunities on all climbers’ behalf.


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:01 pm
by Guest

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:22 pm
by Spray Lord
And I think that some of us here are old enough to remember what bad reputations "gate crashers" can get. I, for one, will continue to climb at discrete, non-Southern, regions until these people blow over.

As a thought though, aren't these fuckers aware that we are in the process of purchasing this land and that they will have to deal with us for a very long time into the future? Has the black gold gone to their heads? Do they know something that we do not know?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:59 pm
by TrueNorth
On October 13, the Lee County Sheriff was present on the grounds of the Murray property in the company of Robert Stamper, manager for Charmane Oil. Gretchen Finniff, RRGCC board member, talked to the Sheriff and Mr. Stamper on behalf of the RRGCC. The Lee County Sheriff left after that discussion.

Gretchen or Shannon: What was the Lee County Sheriff's comments (if any) on this issue?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:02 pm
by rhunt
I don't understand how they can keep even the Murrays off their own land?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:08 pm
by bberlier
The sherriff stated since it was not a criminal activity he couldn't do anything. It would have to go to civil court. I can't say if the gates change anything.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:21 pm
by Guest
The oil company clearly believes they have a legal right to block access. Has the RRGCC investigated this, beyond making calls/sending letters to their attorney? It would sure be tragic if the land is purchased and cannot legally be used by the surface rights owners.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:31 pm
by Spragwa
Though I cannot pretend to know precisely what Shannon and John are doing, I assure you that all avenues are being explored. It is axiomatic that a mineral rights owner cannot interfere with the surface rights owner from the quiet enjoyment of their property. Legally, that is a non-starter. To encourage commity, I am certain that Shannon and John are trying to work with the company to resolve this matter as amicably as possible. It sucks, but the wheels of justice are slower than the oil workers ability to put up gates.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:33 pm
by rhunt
I have faith that the RRGCC will work out a deal soon. BUT I am concern as Sandy is that we will own land and still have access issues, what will I tell all the people that help Pigsteak and I raise $1580.00 for the route auction?

If I park at the motherlode parking and walk up to drive-by or park off Fixer Road and walk into the SC and DS will this be legal?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:40 pm
by Gretchen
Just remember folks, be patient once again. THe RRGCC is working very hard on this issue and hope to resolve it swiftly. But the bottom line, beingthat we are not the current owners, the Murray's are working on this as we speak. Obviously the RRGCC purchase hinges on the success of their actions. Out of respect to the Murrays, let's give them the time & space for them to do what they have to to make this transaction plausible. Be responsible.