climbhigh wrote:First, thanks to everyone thats donated, rebolted, developed, set up cool events like this and those that have constructive criticism. All those combined is how you continually move forward and how a community like that Red has been established and known to be one of the best in the world.
Theres a long ass line of assholes that have been taking this on their shoulders for years, not just the sexy mother fuckers y'all listed in the previous posts. Its cool to see the organization and the amount of new people bolting/rebolting/donating and to watch the positive impact that it does have on the area and the community as a whole.
Though personally, I think Cliff does bring up solid points and as the fixed gear initiative moves forward, maybe it needs to apply and state goals from within its ranks and donors as to what gets used for new and old routes. A budget per say, split it up by percents. Both sides can be argued to infinity as to which is more important. New routes disperse folk, use the land YOU own, keep people amped and is just freaking cool.....Old routes are classics, they paved the way to get here, what made the red what it is, keep people from getting killed, shows good relations with FS/land owners and the vast majority of those routes really kick ass.....Much more could be said on both topics but not needed here.
But as someone looking from the outside in of something that was and continues to hold a very special place in my heart, dont go down the path of pushing away constructive criticism. See how the two opposing view points are probably closer together than they appear and use that to continue to build a bigger and better effort.
Enjoy the whisky and WWTD ?
Tackett, first thanks for letting us stand on your shoulders to keep things evolving and improving. We wouldn't be here today without the vision of old crusties like you. Second, (and most important) Thanks for the Whisky!!! Someone is going to be a happy donor!
Lastly, regarding bolting vs re-bolting. The issue is for re-bolting is NOT MONEY. It is manpower. Due to our partnership with the ASCA, we for all intensive purposes have unlimited materials (more than we can get people to use). The hardware for the ASCA is ONLY for rebolting and it does not get used on new route development.
So in short, we are mostly fundraising for new route development because that is largely where we need to fund raise for at this time. Should that change, we would re-evalauate the distribution of funding. Providing developers with SS now will significantly help reduce our need for manpower in the future as the number of routes in the Red continues to rapidly expand. At some point, we may even consider some sort of model where developers are compensated for rebolting. Perhaps one free new bolt for route development for every old bolt they replace.
Thanks for your thoughts and hope that makes sense.