These all sound like good remedies especially the garlic concoction; Sleep ...but if I can't get out out of work I load up on triple espresso latte's, finish work then crash. It's not that healthy but it works.
I try to be a good man but all that comes
of trying is I feel more guilty.
Echinacea Tea (you can get it fortified with vitamin C) is good for colds and for boosting the imune system. It's good as a preventative for clods (and colds) during the season, but it's good to treat a cold as well. Hope you feel better.
Get the Celestial Seasonings tea with echinacea, it's got zinc, too. I also drink V8 Splash (the fruit version of V8), and it's good hot and has lots of vit A, C, and E (A and E also do alot for the immune system.). Sleep is probably the no.1 thing you can do for yourself. About the only time I ever get sick is when I am lacking sleep.
Let the body heal itself. If you feel like sleeping and lying around, then do that. There's not much you can do for a virus, except treat the symptoms. Tylenol, anti-histamines if you can take them, fluids, and rest. There is some research that suggests that chicken soup actually does help a little. Echinacia is an herb, to which I am highly allergic. I took it once when I felt a cold coming on. It compounded my cold to the power of ten.