The gate on the bolt side was indeed facing right. The draw on the ROPE end was facing left. I would have hung the draw with the bolt-side biner facing left, too, because my draws have both top and bottom biners oriented the same way, and because I prefer to have the biner spine to the bolt (it is a little less likely to unclip from the bolt in that position), but my friend hung it this way, her draws had the gates on top and bottom biners facing opposite-- exactly as shown in that picture. And I admit I was not concerned about it, because the biner on the bolt was not touching the rock, so I was not worried about it.dustonian wrote:Interesting point, but from the description it sounds like the gate of the upper biner was facing right and she was moving left. Unfortunately there is no silver bullet when it comes to that small but omnipresent background risk when trusting your hide to a single piece of gear, especially the non-locking aluminum variety. Just glad she was high on the route!
Also, the moves in that section are straight up, not left, not right. I make the move with the 8th draw being squarely in the center of my torso. You do go right after you clip the next draw (the 9th, which is the last one on the route), but the 8th and the 9th draws are straight in a vertical line, one above the other.
Here's a picture I didn't have earlier. Some people have misunderstood my description to mean that I thought that the nose of the 'biner got stuck between the hanger and the bolt. I do not think this is the case at all. There are no scratches on the side of the nose indicating that it was wedged against anything there. However, there are scratches on the outside of the top portion of the draw, which make me believe that, once the biner rotated to position that he markings on the inside suggest, it was caught/wedged against the rock.
Petzl will be looking at the draw, and I am sure they are much better at deduction of this kind than I am.