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Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:44 pm
by dustonian
go down to the chattanooga area if you want to boulder.

Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:04 pm
by climb2core
Buy a rope, go to a popular crag and almost every route will have draws on it by 11 am. I am sure people won't mind you running through them and cleaning it for them. Or buy 2 draws and have someone set up a TR for you. Or there are many routes with perma draws on or semi permas as people are leaving up their gear for the fall.

Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:51 pm
by pattycardinal
Well, once I have the funds to do that I will, thanks

Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:53 pm
by dricsou04

I read your posts about finding a climbing mate and I am looking for one as well ! I do not know if it is easy to find one once I am there but that would be cool to catch up and climb a bit ! I will be coming over from France to RRG on Wednesday the 13th of Oct. (via Cincinnati) and will be staying until Sunday.

I have a rope and quickdraws that I can bring with me if that helps. I climb 5.12's but that does not matter at this point, I would be glad to be able to climb in any grade !

Please let me know if anyone is interested

Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:54 pm
by cliftongifford
pattycardinal wrote:We are well aware of this... however neither of us have rope, gear, etc... Which is why we are talking bouldering somewhere other than the gorge like in Southern, IN or something as we stated previously in the conversation
There's not any quality bouldering in southern IN either. Chossy shitty shit. And renting a bouldering pad? Probably not gonna happen in Indiana or The Red... At least I've never heard of it. There is a decent bouldering area in Morehead, KY called Clack Mtn. but still may not be worth the drive. If you don't have money for a rope and gear, pawn or sell your most expensive possessions, invest in gear, go to The Red, and climb some beautiful routes. It'll definitely be worth it.

Re: Climbing partner in Oct

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:59 am
by Chris Rock
hey patty and cedric,
finally i would choose date and time: i would meet at the 13th, 1pm at princess rock picnic area. i have got no idea wether thats a good spot to begin with or not, but we will figure it out. but just to have a certain point, where we can meet...
as i will travel from houston to red river, i cant check mails from now on..hope to see somebody there. i am the very basic..looking guy big bagpack, reading a book or something..:)