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Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:35 am
by lena_chita
krampus wrote:true, but if they don't re-open roadside, is it so obscene to think that the land owners deserve the restoration grant to counter years of unchecked abuse. "$5,000 to help build trails on your land so we can climb there in the future", is not that much different than "Thanks for letting us crap all over your property for 20 years, here is some cash and manpower to help rebuild what we destroyed"

Obsene -- no. But does it fit with the goals of Access Fund? What message does it send? "Here landowners, if you close your place to climbers, we'll give you some money to top it off, we don't mind?"
Besides, lets be real, what sort of rebuilding does Roadside need if it is to stay closed? -- If you don't do anything at all to Roadside, and just keep it closed, in about one year you won't even be able to find a trail. Poison ivy hardly requires help to grow.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:49 am
by Eric Cox
And the rich keep getting richer.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:22 am
by toad857
Anyone cool enough to invite strangers to climb on their land deserves cash like this.

But, unless I'm mistaken.... aren't the Muir Valley issues of late a matter of too many people and too few giving back? I fail to see how expanding the parking lot will do anything but exacerbate the issue.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:37 am
by captain static
First, I would like to thank Grant Stephens and John Haight, the owners of Graining Fork Nature Preserve for being open to work with the Access Fund and the RRGCC on this project. I thought the press release was pretty clear but in hindsight adding a word might clear up any misunderstanding - "Pending development of a plan for reopening ...", that is development of a plan for re-opening the area will be the first step before any restoration work is done. We would ask for patience as the details of the project are worked out.

Bill Strachan, Executive Director
Red River Gorge Climbers' Coalition

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:58 am
by Syphur
After all the bashing they have received on these forums I wouldn't blame them if they never reopened it.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:30 am
by dustonian
Thanks for all your hard work on this issue, Bill. Congrats on the grant!

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:12 pm
by lena_chita
captain static wrote:First, I would like to thank Grant Stephens and John Haight, the owners of Graining Fork Nature Preserve for being open to work with the Access Fund and the RRGCC on this project. I thought the press release was pretty clear but in hindsight adding a word might clear up any misunderstanding - "Pending development of a plan for reopening ...", that is development of a plan for re-opening the area will be the first step before any restoration work is done. We would ask for patience as the details of the project are worked out.

Bill Strachan, Executive Director
Red River Gorge Climbers' Coalition
When you put it like that, it makes a lot more sense! Thanks.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by dustonian
It was clear enough from the get-go, a lot of climbers just love to bitch and moan while doing very little to help the situation.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:15 pm
by ReachHigh
Thanks Bill for making progress, addressing damage done and opening communication is the only way.

Re: Access fund grants

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:23 pm
by caribe
I hope the people who are complaining are giving $ to climbing. I think you need to be looking at ~$150/year at the very least just to pay for yourself depending on the amount of climbing that you do. Unfortunately 90% will not pay for the infrastructure to support their own climbing and when someone else steps up to pay they will complain. I don't get it. I am happy as a pig in shit when someone steps up to support infrastructure at my local crag. Drink all pay naught and if you do aught for naught do for thineself. With this philosophy you will be looking in vain for beer.