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Re: After p90x

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:36 pm
by the lurkist
the 100 pushup app for the i phone. you can use it for push ups, chin ups, crunches, etc..
just a schedule to keep you focused for the long haul

Re: After p90x

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:42 pm
by Jacque
I am interested to start the P90X program, diet and supplements. For the purpose of
reducing body fat, increasing muscle mass, sweating a lot .. are all good things for detox
and regulating blood sugar. If any one have knowledge or experience with this let me know please...

Re: After p90x

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:17 am
by Josephine
I didn't do all the diet stuff. I tried to. The recovery drink is great - but I didn't do the bars/vitamins. I lost 5 inches off my waist but not a single pound. definitely increased muscle mass and dropped to about a 19.4% body fat. (although after yesterdays dinner it probably went up a bunch!)

Re: After p90x

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:01 pm
by tH1e-swiN1e
I hated P90 but only because I have tons of fitness/diet experience. It all seemed very gimmicky to me. I did get into yoga regularly after doing the dvds though. Id say stay away from their supplements. All beach body videos seem to be a way to push their other products more and more. You can get the same stuff far cheaper at any health store. As far as reducing body fat. Its all about diet. You can exercise all you want but if youre not eating right youre not going to change anything.

Weights are for muscles, cardio for the heart, kitchen for the belly. Eat right and the results will flood in P90 or not.

Re: After p90x

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:12 pm
by Yasmeen
Nice work, Josie!!

Re: After p90x

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:16 am
by Josephine
thanks Yasi! 8)

well - i guess since i didn't have any real fitness/diet experience p90 was helpful. i don't agree that just "eating right" will cause you to lose body fat - you might lose weight but weight does not always equal body fat (i lost a ton of weight when i had surgery - but it was all my muscle :-( i think p90 was a good way to lose fat - but i didn't lose any weight.

i can say i tried several other recovery drinks and i used p90s because it was the only one that tasted good :-) all the rest of it i think is overpriced.

Re: After p90x

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:16 pm
by tbwilsonky
abripperx, yoga x, and plyometrics are pretty useful. replace the recovery drinks with organic chocolate milk. try really hard.

this is all you need to know for 5.15/v16/4 minute mile/one arm handstand

you're welcome.

Re: After p90x

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:45 pm
by tH1e-swiN1e
Josephine wrote:thanks Yasi! 8)

well - i guess since i didn't have any real fitness/diet experience p90 was helpful. i don't agree that just "eating right" will cause you to lose body fat - you might lose weight but weight does not always equal body fat (i lost a ton of weight when i had surgery - but it was all my muscle :-( i think p90 was a good way to lose fat - but i didn't lose any weight.

i can say i tried several other recovery drinks and i used p90s because it was the only one that tasted good :-) all the rest of it i think is overpriced.
I totally agree P90 works, but I personally get better results at the gym doing my own thing. Body comp is all about diet whether youre maintaining, bulking, or cutting. If youre getting your daily kcal/macro/micro limits then you will get the results you want. If youd like Id be happy to hook you up with a diet. We'll call it an experiment.

Re: After p90x

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:08 am
by SelEnAMArShall
It's a bit faddish but a lot of their philosophy makes sense ( some seems unrealistic), they really push variety and intensity.. they claim to honor technique but the rep counts in some of the WODs would render form impossible to uphold for 99% of us.