If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

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Re: If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

Post by michaelarmand »

I used Yosemite Bum a few months back - the whole process was done in less than 2 weeks. I was very pleased.
I've been a gumby longer than you've been climbing.
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Re: If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

Post by TradMike »

I have nothing but good to say about Yosemite Bum - same owner as Evolv shoes (great person)
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Re: If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

Post by Saxman »

Have used Rock and Resole multiple times. They do a great job and the turn around is super fast.
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
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Re: If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

Post by Jeff »

Just mailed a pair of Miuras on 11/29 and they were on the front porch when I got home from work today. Rock & Resole.
Great job. They will be closed December 17, 2011 to January 15, 2012, and ask that nothing be sent in during this time.
Last pair went to Friction Fix and it took nearly 2 months. Rock & Resole from now on.
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Re: If this is how pros are treated i dont want to be a Pro

Post by ynp1 »

Pro deal does suck! I used them a few years ago and got the shoes back, but the rubber fell off the shoe after a few climbs. I guess you get what you pay for...
I don't have haters, I have fans in denial.
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