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Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:43 pm
by Garmin
The route was fine but last week someone broke a very key hold making the line considerably harder. Late last week another hold came halfway off, if it goes the route might never go. There are also 6 other holds that are dangerously close to coming off, it just needs to be glued before anyone else gets on it. I tried to glue it but used the wrong glue and need to go back with the right stuff. Also, bolts were moved, added, and removed. It was a mutual agreement between everyone currently projecting the route. The tag has been there since last friday, it isn't to keep people off so one person can send the route. Oh, if someone were to pull the loose hold, it will damage their face. Go take the red tag off yourself if it bothers you that much, then I will remove all of your bolts, put in new ones, put one in your face, then put the tag back. Otherwise, you can wait 96 hours and it will be off and ready for action.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:03 pm
by tbwilsonky
Garmin wrote: Go take the red tag off yourself if it bothers you that much, then I will remove all of your bolts, put in new ones, put one in your face, then put the tag back.
this is basically the premise for the Cliffhanger 2 script i'm working on.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:08 pm
by allah
Chill out and take a deep breath! or maybe go talk to a therapist about these anger issues. If the tag was for reinforcing issues then it might have been a good idea to talk with the few other people in the red right now about your thoughts on the route. A few nice words exchanged, maybe a conversation with a few others that might be trying the route to discuss the situation on the route might have been an easier more logical way of going about things. And there is no reason for threatening me, if I didn't bolt those or even walk the cliff there is a good chance no one would be climbing on those routes. Grow UP!

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:25 pm
by Garmin
What you described is exactly what I did, do you know a more extensive list of people getting on the route than I? What was agreed on is that it is fine to get on it as long as you know about the bad holds, just be careful, if you break one then let the others know about it. Can I not respond to anger with anger? Anger issues? I'm just fine and dandy, but what about that time you threatened to punch Jason in the face for climbing your chosspile? Learn the difference between a threat and a joke.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:30 pm
by pigsteak
man I wish I climbed hard..I WANT a dog in this fight.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:36 pm
by Garmin
There is no fight, in a few days there won't even be a problem.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:53 pm
by allah
I was justified in the little bit of anger in my post, being told one of the routes I bolted was now red tagged with no explanation why. You on the other hand aren't IMO, I do appreciate the explanation why you did it and that's all you needed to do. As for all the other comments those are unjustified, and that's what I am referring to when I say, grow up. If you are referring to the Heath kids then yea I remember that, and yes I was angry about them getting on my route a few days after I bolted it, and spent hours cleaning it. As for seeing a "joke" in your previous posts, there was none. I for sure didn't see one at least. You have been known...... Anyways good luck on the route.

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:47 pm
Haha! Man this route sounds like a pile of shit! Closing it down to glue all the holds back on? WTF!? Allah you need to strip that piece of shit and use the bolts somewhere else. Freakin hilarious man.

Siegrest seems to love it:

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:48 pm
by Brentucky
If I see a PJ in the woods and nobody is watching by God I'm going to eat it!

Re: red taging a PJ you didnt bolt

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:53 pm
by pigsteak
Brentucky wrote:If I see a PJ in the woods and nobody is watching by God I'm going to eat it!

ewwww.eating a "Poop Junior" are one sick puppy.