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Post by Redpoint »

Actually I didn't mean to compare to other users(like any specific person), I just liked to see my ranking getting higher every time I ticked more routes.
Last edited by Redpoint on Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by pigsteak »

It's OK redpoint...climbers are the most posing not humble group of humble non posing people you will meet....

and we are who we are.
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Post by Redpoint »

I'm full of excuses, let me elaborate:

For the record the main reason I keep a ticklist is so I can keep track of every climb I have done, and it also tells me what all I onsighted and what I didn't.

I don't understand why you wouldn't keep a ticklist, do you think you're cool because you don't, are you too lazy, is your memory perfect, or do you just not give a crap?

I understand that me looking at my ranking rise is a competitive thing, but I'm a very competitive person, lots of people are. Don't a lot of the best climbers compete in competitions to see if they are better than the rest, is there really anything wrong with it? Even if it's just a kickball game, tell me you don't want to be on the winning team... Now I know what some of you hippie boulders will say "climbing should be about you and the rock". I'll admit, I have personally cursed the rock that spit me off, but I rather be mad at a person than the rock which I love so much.

The real spraylord is the one who decided you shouldn't get a single point if the route is 5.8 or under. Or that the ranking should only be the top 149. What about the rest of the climbers, and what about the gumbys, why do you feel the need to shut them out?

So you took the time to develop a point system and the only people who get to see where they stand is the top 149 climbers on the site? I say fix it.

I also think at least a few points should be awarded to climbing a 5.7. I know a lot of 5.7's that are harder than a lot of 5.8's.
Last edited by Redpoint on Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"It is difficult to estimate the potential damage of solvents; therefore the middle of the rope should never be marked with a felt-tip pen or similar. Although a danger might be improbable, it should never be ignored." Mammut
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Post by KD »

Redpoint wrote:
I don't understand why you wouldn't keep a ticklist, do you think you're cool because you don't, are you too lazy, is your memory perfect, or do you just not give a crap?
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Post by der uber »

The previous version of th guide had a more comprehensive ranking - it may still eist on the new guide, but I haven't seen it. I'm still learning my way around it.

Seems like there's a lot of ajax and data being gathered, so it may just be to keep that page from getting to heavy. And they just ddin't get around to it.

I think 5.8 or whatever the bottom of the points system are worth 5-10 points, so it just fell off from there. You can still log your climbs that are under 5.8.

Some folks have asked for the ability to have a private tick list One way to do it is to get a second profile that you don't post under, but you're still subject to rankings, points, etc.

I like the tick list, all the graphs, and spying on other people lists to see what they've been up to.
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Post by ynot »

brain sucking aliens are coming.
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Post by michaelarmand »

Private tick list? Afraid of big brother looking at your spray? Don't want your friends to know you have a project at the practice wall? Lame.

I love the stats - sometimes my only motivation to climb....
I've been a gumby longer than you've been climbing.
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Post by Izzy »

I gotta agree with Redpoint on this... God help me.
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Post by SCIN »

Fixing the "Top 149 only" rankings is in the list of things to take care of. The focus for the next couple of months though is moving the site to be hosted on VMWare and then performing an upgrade on the database software, forum software, and operating system. I'm working on getting a box capable of running VMware ESXi right now.
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Post by One-Fall »

Dont know what any of that means, but thanks for the sandbox, Ray.
Can't we all just get along?
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