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Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:37 am
by Artsay
Hey Rick, Liz,

Just so you know the map I made for Muir in the Third Edition Guidebook pushes volunteer support and donations. Here's a link to it below. Not that it'll help a ton but it's something. I'll get in touch with you all soon so we can talk about ways Ray and I can help spread awareness and build support with this site. ... ic_id=2543

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:00 am
by Toad
Maybe have the parking attendants ask for donations. It's easy to ignore a box with a sign, but the face to face might promote some giving - even if it's out of guilt.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:00 am
by Golite45
I would be glad to donate time. I would also be glad to pay a fee to use the property or to park even. The road maintenance alone is a task as well as cleaning up after people. You should not have to do that, but you do cause some people just use and abuse and screw it up for others.

Some Ideas I feel could be achieved:

1 trail day a month that would allow big task to be handled with working numbers instead of holding the burden individually as owners.( this trail day does not need to Be a big Party, Or free food but more to just show appreciation for the land use and all the access we have as a climbing community)

2 Parking fee + donations

Give cause you want to not because you expect something in Return!

Thanks Rick and Liz for giving the opportunity express our ideas

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:07 am
by gregkerzhner
I really see no downsides to limiting the number of cars per day. Just throw something up on your website when the limit is reached. This would also help filter out the more destructive "smoke cigarettes, throw beer cans and cause trouble" crowd as these people won't be up early enough to get in.

A gate would work well. A towing service would be even better. Leave the "muir valley is full" sign in plain view and then tow the extra cars. After a few people get towed, people will start to respect the policy and you won't even have to bother anymore. Plus, you will be stimulating the local economy.

You could even set something up with the towing company where they give you a portion of the profit and you use it to fund valley infrastructure, or better yet, your personal champagne collection.

Maybe a few VIP spots for those who have put in more than 10 hours volunteering?

I really see no reason you guys can't be dicks about this. Its your land, and you don't have to let people on. You guys should be having a good time, not working your asses off.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:29 am
by john e aragon
I agree with limiting traffic by limiting cars. This only makes sense. You have a limited resourse in Muir Valley. People who work or pay get the resourses everyone gets the scraps.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:58 am
by lena_chita
Other ideas-- I wonder if there could be a running list made somewhere online of things that need to be done, so people could claim them and so you know ahead of time that someone has the job covered, so you don't have to be there?

I was at Muir Valley this Saturday, and would have been happy to help at the parking lot, for example, if I had known ahead of time that I had to do it, had to be at the parking lot at a certain time and spend an hour doing certain things... I guess I should have asked!


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:26 am
by Liz_Weber
Thanks for this discussion. There are some great ideas and suggestions coming out of this. Keep them coming. Rick and I appreciate your help.


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:19 am
by ynot
chop everything under 10b.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:34 am
by dustonian
Ha ha, the wife & I were discussing the same thing. Maybe 11b though just to make sure?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:28 am
by pawilkes
yes, let's make Muir an elitist play ground that only the strong and experienced enjoy. screw all the people who where we were 5 years ago! i'm pretty sure this was the vision for Muir Valley.

Rick - how about a valley pass if people help park cars for a couple hours in the morning?