
Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.
the lurkist
Posts: 2240
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2002 2:07 pm

Post by the lurkist »

trog wrote:rhabdomyolysis after crush injury or reperfusion injury commonly leads to renal failure in healthy kidneys; reported rarely in effort related rhabdo, usually in conjunction with compartment syndrome
true- kidney failure can occur with Rhabdo in the healthy kidney in the context of a huge muscle hit. Less likely with rhabdo from a climbing related muscle injury. Not enough muscle mass involved. Never say never though.

More likely to occur on the spectrum of muscle injury is DOMS- delayed onset muscle soreness. Now this occurs all the time. The more-sore-the- third- day- after- a burly-workout thing we have all experience. Serum myoglobin levels and CK levels will be jacked as well as inflammatory mediators/cytokines. Interestingly, eccentric exercises like down climbing and plyometric exercises like campusing do it the most.
two good articles
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_on ... e_soreness

Chris Carmichael (Postal Team trainer) has his athletes use hydration, nsaids, vit e, vit c, and other anti oxidants like alpha lipoic acid, selenium, to prophylax and treat.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
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