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Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:00 pm
by Spragwa
A man I work with specializes in sports nutrition and has the lovely degrees to go with his claims of knowledge. He said muscle milk does most of what it advertises. Lurk, I can put you in touch with him via email. He'd LOVE to chat with you about this stuff.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:23 pm
by overhung
I'll throw in my two cents. A guy I work with is a body builder and he uses Muscle Milk, but says unless you're a body builder trying to gain muscle (bulk), you're wasting your money. He says the whey protein at Wal-Mart (Body Fortress) is a good source for pre-post workouts. He says the type of whey in Muscle Milk is sort of a long acting (cassenate?) whatever, but he takes it before bed so that his muscles receive protein throughout the night. He tried to explain the ratio of carbs/protein, but I got lost in the numbers. He does say that the window of an hour to an hour and a half after workout is critical to take in some protein. He even said the Slim-fast protein shake is a good option.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:35 pm
by overhung
Wes wrote:On the Muscle Milk since way back in the day. Seems to work well, always feel better the next day after a workout/climbing/boulder/etc. Also use the cytomax drink from the same people, during the day/working/seesion as well.
Wes, have you noticed any difference in forearm pump using the cytomax while climbing?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:36 pm
by Wes
Nope, not really. But, it does *seem* to help keep the energy levels pretty consistent thought a day of climbing/cardio workout/bouldering session. I also usually only use 1.5 scoops per liter. Tried some of their muscle energy stuff once (maybe creatine based?), and that stuff gave me a pump really quickly, to the point that I stopped using it.

I don't know about carb/protein ratios, but the smaller carton of MM lite seems to work for me as well as a the bigger one. And, usually only used one of the mix scoops, rather then two.

Love their slogan, and it is something I adapted to climbing - "Training makes you weak, recovery makes you strong" Same with climbing. A hard bouldering session will make you weak, only if you have enough rest, recovery, and nutrition will you get stronger over the long term.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:42 pm
by the lurkist
"Training makes you weak, recovery makes you strong".

That is brilliant.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:54 pm
by rustyvasectomy
just eat some meat.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:28 am
by 512OW
supposedly, Lurk, a 4:1, carbs:protein ratio (or thereabouts) is optimal. Several of the US Olympic teams recently dropped their use of prepackaged "protein" drinks, and now use plain old chocolate milk instead.

Of course, this is just for recovery. If you're trying to add muscle, more protein is certainly better.

Just from personal experience, I can tell a marked difference from when I consume chocolate milk (I used to use Powerbar Recovery Drink, and I've tried a few others as well) immediately post workout as opposed to nothing at all. The high protein drinks I've tried just made me feel heavy and sick to my stomach...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:36 am
by Wes
That sounds kinda cool - the muscle milk doesn't bother me, but Tania isn't as pscyhed about it - she might give the chocolate milk a go.

I have also heard some athletes going old school with flat coke rather then energy drinks and snickers instead of GU. Makes sense to me, and way cheaper!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:30 pm
by pmp
Muscle Armor! Made by EAS. Makers of Myoplex.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:49 am
by Meadows
Pre-mixed Muscle Milk tastes like puke.

I thought the 4:1 was for endurance sports? I use choco milk post run or ride. With a cookie ... or two. Horizon single servings don't need refrigerated, fyi.