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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:31 am
by camhead
Jeff wrote:
mike_anderson wrote:Dude, you should check out Colorado if you think people are competitive here. Where do you think the word "raditude" came from?
That's funny because I think what sparked this discussion was an incident involving people from CO.
Yeah, I've noticed that amongst the locals here, there is definitely less spray than about any other area I've climbed. Clueless college kids and visiting ColoRadguys are another story.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:35 pm
by Power2U
There is always someone who can climb harder than you, and there is always someone that you can out climb... Nuf said.

Now talking to your buddies about how bad you suck cause you're falling off your warm up on a particular day is just having fun. As is talking about your project that you're psyched on!

There is one exception... Walking up and flashing a project some Buckeye is working on and commenting on how that felt a little harder than you would have liked for a warm up is completely acceptable :D

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:48 pm
by ahab
Jeff wrote:
mike_anderson wrote:Dude, you should check out Colorado if you think people are competitive here. Where do you think the word "raditude" came from?
That's funny because I think what sparked this discussion was an incident involving people from CO.
this sounds good. do tell.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:19 pm
by Jeff
camhead wrote:Yeah, I've noticed that amongst the locals here, there is definitely less spray than about any other area I've climbed.
One of the many things I love about the red. As it becomes more of a destination every year, it would be great to have that distinction remain intact!
While it's always cool to see some of the top climbers enjoying what's to offer around here, only a few more weeks and things will get back to "normal".

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:42 pm
by krampus
I agree with piggy that a lot of the excuse making is due to insecurity, I do it all the time and don't really mean to. I don't consider myself competitive though. But that is different that being sized up by every tool you run into at the campground. Maybe I have been good at avoiding the crowds because most of the people I have been climbing next to during this busy season have bee pretty cool, its when I walk around the campsite that I see people needing to justify their existence.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:13 pm
by Crankmas
ah yes, competition, it can lead to moments of poetry in motion, or result in poetic justice, the latter may explain why there is no gym in Lex.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:25 pm
I definitely feel the need to pull harder than Lee (One-Fall) when I see him at the crag. In fact, I'll go so far as to cheat when he's around just to climb harder than him. A few weeks ago I was resting on a jug and the rope was above me in a draw. So essentially I was on toprope. There was a lot of friction on the rope so it was taking some weight off. Normally I would adjust it so I could feel my entire body weight but since Lee was there and had just flashed this route I took advantage of the cheater rest.

I like when Lee takes some time off too because it gives me a chance to relax a bit and climb just for fun. It's a lot of stress trying to show him up.

So I guess the answer is yes, I do climb to compete. I mean, who the hell doesn't!? The only ones I can think of that don't are the lesser climbers like girls and people who don't climb 5.13. Andrew too.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:27 pm
by Meadows
We're mammals. Thus, competitive nature is innate. Now, how that competition is handled depends on the person and social norms. To some, climbing is as meaningful to them as a day hike in a state park or they just lack drive but I still wouldn't rule them as non-competitive.

And it's not just in climbing, it's in many aspects of life.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:29 pm
by ahab
if you are climbing it is competitive. period. otherwise, you would never leave the ground.

why can't we just admit it?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:37 pm
by Jeff
ahab wrote:if you are climbing it is competitive. period. otherwise, you would never leave the ground.

why can't we just admit it?
Not everyone thinks that way.

"com·pete [kuhm-peet]
–verb (used without object), -pet·ed, -pet·ing.
to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business."