
Movies, music, food, blood, dogs, Horatio.....
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Post by skeeterth0mps0n »

I don't think that we should kill the snakes....but have a friendly snake round up! It would be fun! Think of it. Everyone can get loaded and run around The Red looking for the most deadly snake. Tons of fun for the whole family! :lol:
What distant and different beings in the verious mansions of the universe are contemplating the same one at the same moment!"
Henry D. Thoreau (Walden)
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Post by rhunt »


Ok I do have to admit that does sound fun! :lol:

But what then do we do with all the snakes we find?
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

i'm not doing that shit on FS land. i was thinking more along the lines of the southern region. i don't need the FS on my tail for some good ol' friendly fun with a gun.

rhunt, as for coming to my house and killing me...that's pretty much the most stupid argument you could have written. do you eat meat? if you were a cow, how would you like me raising you just to send you to a mass-murder factory to make a few bucks off of your muscles? are you a vegetarian? if you were a fucking carrot, how would you like it if i yanked you out of your nice, moist, dark, dirty home, killing you in the process, and ate your body, but threw away your head?

as for the round up, that's a great idea! in fact, i'm gonna go round up as many "beautiful" snakes as i can this weekend, throw them one by one in the pond near oil crack, and use them for target practice.

we could also have a "snake whacking day" (the simpsons style) where no guns are required.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
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Post by rhunt »

Horatio Felacio,

if you are are an idiot...i hope you get bit by a copperhead!!

"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
Posts: 52
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Post by skeeterth0mps0n »

Horatio Felacio,....seriously. You need to get some kind of humor in your life. You ever think about going to anger manigement? Might do you some good to not wish bad things on people.
What distant and different beings in the verious mansions of the universe are contemplating the same one at the same moment!"
Henry D. Thoreau (Walden)
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Post by rhunt »

Horatio Felacio,

This isn't about my eating habits or how we treat domestic animals. This is about a dumb-ass Kentucy red-neck killing 'wild' snakes because he is afraid of them! Grow some balls and leave the snakes alone, or go climb somewhere else!
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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Post by Spragwa »

Watch it rhunt. Ho isn't from Kentucky.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by rhunt »


His profile says he/she is. I'm just calling it as I see it. Don't worry there are plenty of ingorant rednecks here in Ohio too.
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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Post by Steve »

I'm with you Ho! But the thing is there aren't a lot of snakes in the Southern Region...and ya know why? All the guys who work the oil wells probabbly kill them. So see, the Southern Region really is the promise land. No snakes and a lot of oil!

The snake explosion that we have seen over the past few years might be our own fault. We go to the crags (nartural homes for snakes and rodents). We eat food and leave crumbs and trash behind. The rodents come for the food, the snakes come for the rodents. Its a viscious cycle. If there really are too many snakes out there they will die out as their won't be enough food to go around.

Now I'm not going to go and kill snakes on FS land, or any land for that matter. But I'm just playing you all out, looking to get that freaky reaction from people who take everything they read on internet message boards seriously. We as humans manage the outdoors in every way shape and form. There are efforts to move and manage wildlife all over the place on private and public lands. We even have a seasons to hunt different wildlife. We climb on such a limited amount of the cliffline in the Daniel Boone, what would be wrong with moving snakes to an out of the way piece of cliffline?
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.

Post by Guest »

Steve, you little troll!

We asked these same questions at the serpitorium on Sunday. Apparently copperheads have a very small territory. VERY small, like in a few square yards. Moving them would be harmful to their well being, and the rodent population would increase as a result.

We also learned that snakes do not travel up from their territory (as in up the cliff) but down from above. So the snakes we see at the base of routes are not the ones leaving their skins on ledges. They are climbing down from the top of the crags.

The only real solution is to understand snake behavior and leave them alone. Copperheads are so docile that I really don't see what everyone is up in arms about.
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