Man, not to change the subject but I have a good cleaning story. I was cleaning this steep route and while batmanning in on the rope the skin on my arm got caught between the biner and the rope. I started screaming because it hurt so bad. My weight on the rope was stretching the skin out about 3 inches. I couldn't do anything. I was just hanging there on the rope screaming and looking at my stretch armstrong skin. I was just about to rip it out and deal with the huge patch of lost skin when I decided to reach over with my other arm to the rope and do a one-arm pullup to take the weight off.
I still have a scar from it. It was probably one of the scariest climbing experiences I've ever had!
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
Yeah, I had that happen before. I was toproping in a gym and when I got to the top my big burly belayer yarded in all the slack and lifted me up 2 feet, right into the chains. It pinched the skin on the inside of my elbow. I ripped it out and lost a little chunk of skin, and a half-inch of skin around it turned black for a few days and died, so I've got a nice scar now. Not so much scary as really, really painful. Now, getting hit by lightning is scary!
I had a new falling experience Saturday. I've always wondered if my belayer would catch me if I fell when I was completely out of site. Well I was completely out of site and took a 30 footer out of a wet offwidth on a #4 and lived so I guess it works even when they can't see you.
Are you kidding -- I can get some killer friction with that bald head of mine. Hats always just come down over my eyes so I can't see. When the going gets tough the hat goes sailing. I've had a few mini-epics trying to retrieve the darn thing.
All right, all right. If it helps at all I took a couple 25footers on B3 today up at long wall. I just had a hell of a time figuring out that move before the roof, and then I found those damn crimpers!
Oh man, he is messing that up. However, he is missing his left leg so that way would probably be harder for him. SCIN, just before spraying some beta for a climber doing a route the WRONG way.