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Post by enoch308 »

That was hilarious. Obviously hit your button.
....with every step he takes ... every move he makes....
odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.
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Post by reospeed »

I'm glad that my boyfriend doesn't care how hard I climb. He's happy to use me as a belay bitch, and makes sure I clean my fair share of routes. I try to find projects near his projects.
Barnacle Ben
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Post by Barnacle Ben »

I'm pretty sure exhibit a. is Sharma anyway.
"But the motto was, never think you're that cool - you're still just climbing the woods...with bugs...and everyone thinks you're crazy."

- Dave Graham
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Post by dhoyne »

I married option C.
Sarcasm is a tool the weak use to avoid confrontation. People with any balls just outright lie.

[quote="Meadows"]I try not to put it in my mouth now, but when I do, I hold it with just my lips.[/quote]
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Post by pigsteak »

dhoyne wrote:I married option C.
suck up. and liar.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by rhunt »

none of the above...
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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Post by tutugirl »

I know I am not a girl but I am going to give my two cents...

My husband and I met 17 years ago at a climbing gym...yes, they had those back then. He had already been climbing at the time 4 years. For the first 8 months we climb together and were just friends. We now have been married 15 years, it is awesome to be married to your best friend and share something you both love to do. Now the kids are out of the house (they were from two previous marriages I had) and we are looking at our next step, we are going to rent the house move to our RV, he is going to work from the RV since he can work remote and we are going to work, climb, and have fun. My body does not look like number c (it never did) but we are still crazy for each other.
The difference between bravery and stupidity is the outcome.
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Post by dipsi »

ynot wrote:I'm glad my wife doesn't climb. I can imagine the knock down drag out fights we would have at the crag and ruin everyones day.
Where's my pineapple upside down cake, Bitch? :evil:
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
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Post by TankAzz »

just curious.. was the 11+/12- range also partly due to your fear of dating/marrying someone who outclimbs you? does that keep it in the "safe" range so you don't have to feel bad about yourself when she out-sends you?

i've seen plenty of chicks with great bodies who still crush 13+. case in point: robin maslowski (i sound like a stalker, but she cranks and is certainly not built like a dude). apparently, you can have the best of both worlds.
Courtesy of Andrew: "I don't think you will damage your escort unless she trips because she is so strung out on blow. Most people just take them to the rest area."
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Post by gripster »

rusty i don't understand the problem here. there are women out there who are stronger than you, no question. some of them might be hot. so if you were dating one of these girls how could it be bad? the fact will still remain that there are girls who climb stronger than you, whether you are dating/married to them or not.

look at this way, say you were at a climbing comp and some girl schooled you and severely beat your score. you could either say "man that girl totally kicked my assl" or "you know that girl who totally kicked my ass? Yeah, i am sleeping with her". This doesn't seem complicated to me.
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