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Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:18 pm
by SikMonkey
Sport bras!


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:22 pm
by Guest
How dare you suggest that - this is a respectable endeavor!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:47 pm
by Gretchen
As if we can fit all the information on a sports-bra! I like the wife beater idea but it maybe hard to find in Red!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:05 pm
by SikMonkey
Ok, sports bras may be a bit over the edge. How about cropped T's then?


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:05 pm
by Bunghole
Maybe yall ought to be calling yourselves "Team Hormonal Imbalance" or "Team PMS" or "Chics with Dicks"

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:07 pm
by Guest
Bunghole wrote:Maybe yall ought to be calling yourselves "Team Hormonal Imbalance" or "Team PMS" or "Chics with Dicks"
Gee, Kwas, what happened to being a "kinder, gentler Kwas?" (Your words.) Oh, wait, you are posting under a different name so it's okay.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:08 pm
by SikMonkey
I saw that movie once. It was pretty sick, yet disturbingly funny at the same time.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:10 pm
by Guest
Gretchen, we can find red tank tops at Target I think.

Heh heh Sik you are really getting into this! :P

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:18 pm
by SikMonkey
Oh yeah..... :twisted:

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:28 pm
by Gretchen
Right on. Maybe we can attach a collar & chain to Sik and he can be Team Ganger Bangers pet!!!

Well I guess BUNGHOLE, some one has to have a dick around here sometime!