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Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 12:23 pm
by rhunt
I heard that thing is a pile!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 1:48 pm
by Power2U
One thing I have learned is never take other peoples word on route quality. What one person considers a "pile" another may really enjoy. Climb it and form your own opinion. Only then can you really tell someone what you think of a climb. Of course you can look at some routes from the ground and tell that they are no good, but again you really have to climb it to know.

A good example is Way Up Yonder at Roadside. I have heard for years that the top pitch was loose crap and no fun...when in fact the rock is great and exposure is even better... just climb it.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 4:27 pm
by rhunt
Your right...second pitch of up yonder is great!! I thought it was crap the first time I saw too. I guess I'll check out Eric and Bryans Excellent Adventure next time I'm at roadside!!