Muir update

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Muir update

Post by weber »

Just a few tidbits here...

International Route of Pancakes on the right side of the Great Wall is re-opened with a new anchor system.

The Gathering Trail Day is set for September 23.

The section of new road between the Tantroft Branch and the Rebel Camp/Joe Ponder trailheads has been roughed in and should be completely finished by next weekend (August 5, 6. 7). Please note that it is now open for pedestrian traffic only. Eventually it will accommodate vehicles, but only those for emergency and maintenance.

So, at this time, you don't have to slog along the creek and bushwhack the bog anymore to hike back and forth between these two climbing areas.

It was a difficult decision to put in this section of road. Logically, it is absolutely needed, especially in light of the large numbers of climbers now visiting the Valley. But, I really hate to see what a bulldozer does to trees and terrain. There is no doubt that in the long run, having this road will actually minimize future impact. And it does allow us to get equipment back there to erase the rough trails left by loggers in past years and stop some of the more serious erosion. Most importantly, if an emergency response is ever needed, an ambulance will soon be able to drive in from KY 715 to points very near all the Muir climbing venues.

Still, a few nice trees had to go...

Please remember that no vehicle traffic is permitted that enters from KY 715 and travels down the new road along the Valley floor, except those with special permits displayed (those bringing in trail maintenance and route setting gear). And, for the next week or so, not even those with permits are allowed down there.

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
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Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:02 pm

Post by squeezindlemmon »

Thanks for the info, Rick.

Just a slight correction, GATHERING is on the 24th of September.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
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