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Post by akornylak »

You are defending your buds by saying it's a difference in geography and demographics, and pointing out that people do questionable things elsewhere, like in France of all places :roll:.

I am calling BS on that.

If you are going to step up in their defense, unfortunately that means you are going to feel the heat too. Im suprised you would defend them instead of thinking about how that makes Canadians look. Yeah, its unfair but thats reality.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

Holy crap, if you are going to use that logic then can i assume that all americans are just like George Bush??

sheesh... :roll:

if that is the case, i'm never crossing the boarder again!!!

and why 'France of all places'???

I mentioned Quebec too. close to home for me you realize.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
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Post by automated »

canadaclimbergirl wrote:
automated wrote:i was going to say "so what if some climbers in canada cut down ten shrubs to climb a boulder in the woods," but then i saw the rock they were cleaning and realized it really was a waste: of time, effort, and plant life. why would you spend all day working on a not-so-steep boulder you can reach the top of from the ground?
well I don't know why you would say...what if some climbers came to canada and cut down ten shrubs etc....cause they didn't do this in the US nor would they ever. you are implying something by that statement that is false.
huh? are you from quebec?
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Post by akornylak »

Well, you can safely assume that half of us are, unfortunately.
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

automated wrote: huh? are you from quebec?
No. New Brunswick, right next door. though i climb there often. only a 4 hour drive away. But...what I was asking is why akornylak said...'France of all places'...

sorry..I thought you said..."so what if some climbers COME TO Canada and cut down 10 shrubs"

but what you said was "so what if some climbers in canada cut down ten shrubs"

you see how those two would be interpreted differently...

my bad
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
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Post by canadaclimbergirl »

anyways..i'm done with this stupid pissing match...

I don't have a clue who you guys are...

Where are my old forum buddies?? I haven't been around in a while...I must come back to say hi more often.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
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Post by Tourist »

brad mc
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Post by brad mc »

Defoliating the tops of boulders is distasteful; no matter if it is in the Red River, the backwoods of Canada or in Thailand.

It is unnacceptable anywhere on this planet and you weak arguments to make apologies for it are disgusting.

the fact that you are a board member of a canadian access group and do not condemn this activity is even worse (you know better). You owe 40 community service hours for lapse of judgement.

Calling this "local ethic" is an bad choice of words. Just because someone chips, or writes the names on routes or spray paints boulders doesnt make it right. No one can look me straight in the face as say that pulling a 6 inch layer of moss off a boulder is "local ethic". It is a local climber who lacks minimal impact standards and really just wants to see themself pull down on a problem at the environments expense.

You can "yawn" this issue off. You can make threats to drop rocks and take out someone who doesnt agree with you.

But the reality of this issue is.... when a land manager or land owner see's you raping the boulderfield. You - the local climber - will get kicked out of this area - and we - the rest of the public will all suffer.
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