Favor needed in Muir Valley

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Favor needed in Muir Valley

Post by weber »

As many of you who climb in Muir Valley know, we are presently constructing a vehicle road down along the creek on the valley floor to be used for emergency vehicles and maintenance equipment. The gentleman who is doing this work for us, Tub Spencer, just called me in Indy (Tues night) and is a little confused exactly where this road is to terminate at the first stage of construction.

Unlike many of you climbers, he has not actually seen the point of termination because he has been moving down the Valley from the entrance at Rogers on 715.

We need someone who can meet with him tomorrow morning (Wed) down on the new roadbed to show him where to stop his road building at this time. The termination point is the little flat meadow near the creek where the switchback trail (from the main parking lot where the kiosk and barn are located) emerges from the woods. To further clarify, this spot is on the parking lot side of the creek across from the fork that goes left to Ponder and right to Rebel. In fact, there are wood signs on a tree across the creek from this spot. The termination point is on the parking lot side of the creek.

You can find Tub on a dozer a few hundred feet short of his goal in the morning.

Unfortunately, we are up here and he is down there. So, I am hoping someone could go down there mid Wed morning and show him where this spot is located. Please pm me if you can help and I can give you more details.

Thanks much.

Rick Weber
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau